Aug 25, 2011

HTTP 500 Error with Large Reports in SCCM 2007

If you have more than a couple thousand clients in your SCCM 2007 site and have ever tried to run a large report (like “Hardware 01A – Summary of computers in a specific collection” against the All Systems collection, for example), you’ve probably encountered this HTTP 500 error:
This problem and resolution are pretty well documented for Windows Server 2003 and IIS6, but in this particular case we’re running Windows Server 2008 SP2, so we’re using IIS7.  The underlying cause is the same (default ASP Buffering Limit is set too low to handle the size of the report) and the fix is the same (increase the limit), but the steps to fix are just a little different for IIS7:

1. Launch IIS Manager
2. Click on the server name in the left pane to bring up the features for IIS (if you have more than just the SCCM reporting hosted in IIS and don’t want to modify this setting for all sites, expand the Sites node and click Default Web Site to bring up the features for just that site)
3. Double-click on the ASP feature
4. Expand the Limits Properties node and find the Response Buffering Limit item.
By default it’s set at about 4MB (4194304 bytes).  The general rule of thumb is about 1MB per 1000 records, but you may want to go with 1.5 to 2 MB just to be safe.  Modify the value and click Apply in the actions pane.
5. Restart IIS.
Now when you run your report you should actually get the results!
As you can see, in this case we had around 4500 records, which was just enough to fill the response buffer and generate the error.  Bumping it up to 10k bytes to accommodate future growth was more than enough to resolve the issue.

Useful ConfigMgr Resources

ConfigMgr Resources/Information:
ConfigMgr Design Resources
OS Deployment
Out of Band Management

Aug 24, 2011

Moving SCCM to a New Server

There may come a time where you need to move you SCCM environment to a new server. This will help make that process as possible.
When needing to move SCCM to new hardware you must remember:

  1. The side code cannot be renamed without uninstalling SCCM and reinstalling or standing up a new SCCM server (side-by-Side) migration.

  2. You must keep the same server name as the existing SCCM server.

  3. You must also keep the same drive structure as the existing SCCM server.

So what are the steps you need to take?

  1. Backup the site settings and database of the SCCM Server

  2. Backup local folders (if any) used for package sources: (source folder, drivers folder…etc). Make a note of the permissions as well.

  3. Decommission the SCCM Server and remove from the domain.
    1. Note: Name, IP, site code, installation path,

  4. Build the new server with the information from step 3.
    1. Install and configure all SCCM prerequisites

    2. If SQL was local before Install the same SQL version and any updates

    3. Install SCCM 2007 to the same patch level, directory, site code from the old SCCM server

  5. Restore folders used for SCCM (Sources, drivers, packages, and set permissions

  6. Restore the SCCM database from the old server using the Site repair wizard

  7. Resolve any errors under the site status.

I hope this blog helps you with your transition

WSUS failed to sync some of the updates

I came across an issue where I was noticing errors in the SMS_WSUS_SyncUpdates Component. Every time the synchronization ran for windows updates, I would get the following:
SMS WSUS Synchronization failed.

Message: Failed to sync some of the updates.
Source: Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WSyncAction.WSyncAction.SyncUpdates.

This typically has to do with the EULA agreement with some updates. This error should clear up at the next synchronization. However in this case it did not.
Trying a reboot of the server, SCCM Services, WSUS did not help. This was happening with a handful of updates.
To resolve this issue:
I also added the network services account to the root of the WSUS folder as it was missing.
Next I ran a wsustuil -reset
I also uninstalled the SUP role, waited about 5 minutes then reinstalled the role. I then kicked off a synchronization which ran a full synchronization again.
I monitored the wsyncmgr.log file to ensure the updates are synchronizing.

It took some time to do the full synchronization but it completed successfully without reproducing the synchronization errors.