Nov 17, 2010

Which hotfixes should I apply?

In general - you should evaluate all hotfixes available, and only apply those applicable to your environment.  However, some of these below I have seen impact almost every environment, and should be heavily considered.
This list is nothing official.... this is just a general list of the recommended hotfixes I end up proactively applying to most environments.... it is not a complete list of ALL hotfixes, and you may be affected by other issues.

Before we get to the lists – some general guidance on hotfixes to make you more successful:

ALWAYS - on Server 2008 OS, run the hotfix MSI from an elevated command prompt window.  This will launch the install of the hotfix, and then launch the boot-strapper window in an elevated process – which is required.  Do this regardless of the UAC configuration of the 2008 OS.
ALWAYS - make sure you read the instructions to understand if the hotfix is a SQL update, installed to the RMS, MS, and/or Gateway, AND/OR applies to agents as well.
ALWAYS - make sure you double-check the DLL version of the updated files to make sure the hotfix successfully applied after installing.
ALWAYS - make sure you double-check the \AgentManagement directory of the management servers and gateways, to make sure if there is an agent update, the x86 and x64 MSP was copied over correctly.
ALWAYS – when installing a hotfix/cumulative update on an OpsMgr server role, run the downloaded MSI, such as “SystemCenterOperationsManager2007-SP1-KB954049-X86-X64-ENU.MSI” – and install the “System Center 2007 Hotfix Utility” to the DEFAULT location – and then kick off the update FROM THE UI that comes up by clicking “Run Software Update”.  This is critical and not following this process is the cause for many failures to apply the hotfix DLL’s, or failure to copy the agent MSP update files to the \Agentmanagement directory.  NEVER run the MSP files manually on a SCOM server role… because the additional steps run by the boot-strapper will not execute if you do that.  The only exception to this – is running from the command line.  See:
ALWAYS check the language version of the hotfix, and make sure it is the same language version as your SCOM base install.  For instance – if you have a English base SCOM install – do not download a localized German version of a hotfix and apply it – or it can break the English SCOM base install.
ALWAYS log on to your OpsMgr role servers using a domain user account that meets the following requirements:
  • SCOM administrator role
  • Member of the Local Administrators group on all SCOM role servers (RMS, MS, GW, Reporting)
  • SA privileges on the SQL server instances hosting the Operations DB and the Warehouse DB.
These rights (especially the user account having SA priv on the DB instances) are often overlooked.  These are the same rights required to install SCOM, and must be granted to apply major hotfixes and upgrades (like RTM>SP1, SP1>R2, etc…)  Most of the time the issue I run into is that the SCOM admin logs on with his account which is a SCOM Administrator role on the SCOM servers, but his DBA’s do not allow him to have SA priv over the DB instances.  This must be granted temporarily to his user account while performing the updates, then can be removed, just like for the initial installation of SCOM as documented HERE.  At NO time do your service accounts for MSAA or SDK need SA priv to the DB instances…. unless you decide to log in as those accounts to perform an update (which I do not recommend).

Common OpsMgr 2007 Post-R2 hotfixes:
This list ABSOLUTELY assumes you are at OpsMgr R2-RTM level as a base (6.1.7221.0).   
Hotfix Update Files Resolves Applies to: Comments
MP Update
6.1.7672.0 6.1.7672.0 6.1.7672.0
New reports, knowledge, monitors agent processor impact, agent version, ODR, agent restarts, rule name updates, 
other enhancements
MP import only I recommend this update for ALL OpsMgr R2 environments.

R2 CU3
OpsMgr 2007 R2 CU3 Cumulative Update

Multiple.  See KB Article.  Note this is a DLL update, MP updates, and SQL scripts update.
Many updates.  See KB article for CU3, CU2, and CU1 for full list. RMS
MP Import
TSQL Script
I recommend this update for ALL OpsMgr R2 environments.
This hotfix includes a SQL script, which you execute on the database in a query window.
971233 none The console shows customized subscriptions SMTP{GUID} after you upgrade to OpsMgr R2 from OpsMgr SP1 Operations Database (TSQL only) I recommend this hotfix only if you are impacted with this issue.

Common OpsMgr 2007 Post-SP1 hotfixes:
This list ABSOLUTELY assumes you are at OpsMgr SP1 level as a base (6.0.6278.0).  These DO NOT APPLY these to OpsMgr R2. 
Hotfix Update Files Resolves Applies to: Comments
MP Update 6.0.6709.0
Microsoft.SystemCenter. 6.0.6709.0
Microsoft.SystemCenter. 6.0.6709.0
Agent restarts, many other critical enhancements Management Pack Import only (Import via console once extracted) I recommend this update for ALL OpsMgr SP1 environments.
2028594 SP1 Cumulative Update 1.  Multiple files.  See KB article Many.  See KB article RMS
MP Import
SQL Scripts (OpsDB and DW)
I recommend this update for ALL OpsMgr SP1 environments.
***Note:  This update REQUIRES 971541 as a prerequisite
971541 SP1 Rollup hotfix.  Multiple files.  See KB article Many.  See KB article RMS
MP Import
I recommend this update for ALL OpsMgr SP1 environments.
972881 Managedentitychange.sp.sql The changes to the display name of a managed entity are not synchronized in the Operations Manager Data Warehouse database Data Warehouse Database (T-SQL only) I recommend this update for ALL OpsMgr SP1 environments.

This hotfix includes a SQL script, which you execute on the database in a query window.
954643 Managementpackinstall.sp.sql Event ID 31569 is logged after you install a management pack that includes reports on a System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 server Data Warehouse Database (T-SQL only) I recommend this hotfix only if you are impacted with these events.

This hotfix includes a SQL script, which you execute on the database in a query window.
974254 Autotablecreation.sql
1. Unable to create large number of groups.

2. Import fails when importing an MP or when creating a MP from a  template
Operations Database (TSQL only) I recommend this hotfix only if you are impacted with this issue.

This hotfix includes a SQL script, which you execute on the database in a query window.

Common related Windows Operating System Hotfixes:
This list is not sorted by OS or anything special – just a collection of OS related hotfixes that SCOM might require, or might fix an issue with the OS that impacts OpsMgr.  These can apply to Sp1 or R2 environments.  
Hotfix Resolves Applies to: Comments
981314 The "Win32_Service" WMI class leaks memory in Windows Server 2008 R2 and in Windows 7 RMS
(only if running on Windows 2008 R2 or Win7)
I recommend this hotfix to be applied to any Server 2008R2 or Win7 machine, if it is agent managed or holds a SCOM server role.
981263 Management servers or assigned agents unexpectedly appear as unavailable in the Operations Manager console in Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008
(ESE jet database corruption)
I recommend this hotfix for all RMS, MS, and GW roles running Windows Server 2003 SP2, or Windows Server 2008 SP2.

Apply to agent machines if you feel you are impacted by this issue.
933061 WMI Stability in Server 2003 Agent I recommend this hotfix for all agent managed computers running Windows Server 2003, SP1 or SP2, x86 or x64
955360 Cscript 5.7 update for Server 2003 Agent I recommend this hotfix for all agent managed computers running Windows Server 2003, SP1 or SP2, x86 or x64
968760 High handle count on the RMS

A managed application has a high number of thread handles and of event handles in the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
RMS I recommend this hotfix is you are experiencing high handle count on the RMS. 

This hotfix requires SP2 for the OS and .NET 2.0 SP2.
968967 The CPU usage of an application or a service that uses MSXML 6.0 to handle XML requests reaches 100% in Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP Service Pack 3, or other systems that have MSXML 6.0 installed
I recommend this hotfix if you are impacted with this issue, which is very common.
You might find a MonitoringHost.exe process randomly stuck at 100% CPU.  If so – this hotfix might be applicable.
951327 The System Center Operations Manager 2007 console may crash in Windows Server 2008 or in Windows Vista when you open the Health Explorer window Any Vista or Server 2008 computer with a SCOM console installed I recommend this hotfix only if you run the console on Server 2008 or Vista. 

This hotfix is already included in Server 2008 SP2.
952664 The Event Log service may stop responding because of a deadlock on a Windows Server 2008-based or Windows Vista-based computer RMS
I recommend this hotfix only if you host an OpsMgr server or agent role on Vista or Server 2008. 

This hotfix is already included in Server 2008 SP2.
953290 An application may crash when it uses legacy methods to query performance counter values in Windows Vista or in Windows Server 2008 RMS
I recommend this hotfix only if you host an OpsMgr server or agent role on Vista or Server 2008. 

This hotfix is already included in Server 2008 SP2.
958661 FIX: Small memory leaks may occur when you use RSCA to query runtime statistics in IIS 7.0 Any OpsMgr Agent/Server role with IIS 7.0 installed I recommend this hotfix in all cases where you are monitoring servers with IIS 7.0 installed, and use the IIS Management pack.

This hotfix is already included in Server 2008 SP2.
958807 Windows Server 2008 Failover Clustering WMI provider does not correctly handle invalid characters in the private property names causing WMI queries to fail Any Server 2008 agent managed cluster node I recommend this hotfix only if you are impacted with this issue, and use the current Cluster MP.

Useful Operations Manager 2007 SQL queries

Large Table query.  (I am putting this at the top, because I use it so much – to find out what is taking up so much space in the OpsDB or DW)
SELECT TOP 1000 AS [tablename], (a1.reserved + ISNULL(a4.reserved,0))* 8 AS reserved,
a1.rows as row_count, * 8 AS data,
(CASE WHEN (a1.used + ISNULL(a4.used,0)) > THEN (a1.used + ISNULL(a4.used,0)) - ELSE 0 END) * 8 AS index_size,
(CASE WHEN (a1.reserved + ISNULL(a4.reserved,0)) > a1.used THEN (a1.reserved + ISNULL(a4.reserved,0)) - a1.used ELSE 0 END) * 8 AS unused,
(row_number() over(order by (a1.reserved + ISNULL(a4.reserved,0)) desc))%2 as l1, AS [schemaname]
FROM (SELECT ps.object_id, SUM (CASE WHEN (ps.index_id < 2) THEN row_count ELSE 0 END) AS [rows],
SUM (ps.reserved_page_count) AS reserved,
SUM (CASE WHEN (ps.index_id < 2) THEN (ps.in_row_data_page_count + ps.lob_used_page_count + ps.row_overflow_used_page_count)
ELSE (ps.lob_used_page_count + ps.row_overflow_used_page_count) END ) AS data,
SUM (ps.used_page_count) AS used
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats ps
GROUP BY ps.object_id) AS a1
SUM(ps.reserved_page_count) AS reserved,
SUM(ps.used_page_count) AS used
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats ps
INNER JOIN sys.internal_tables it ON (it.object_id = ps.object_id)
WHERE it.internal_type IN (202,204)
GROUP BY it.parent_id) AS a4 ON (a4.parent_id = a1.object_id)
INNER JOIN sys.all_objects a2  ON ( a1.object_id = a2.object_id )
INNER JOIN sys.schemas a3 ON (a2.schema_id = a3.schema_id)
WHERE a2.type <> N'S' and a2.type <> N'IT'  

Database Size and used space.  (People have a lot of confusion here – this will show the DB and log file size, plus the used/free space in each)
USE OperationsManager
select a.FILEID,
[FREE_SPACE_MB]=convert(decimal(12,2),round((a.size-fileproperty(,'SpaceUsed'))/128.000,2)) ,
from dbo.sysfiles a

Operational Database Section: 

Alerts Section:
Number of console Alerts per Day:
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), TimeAdded, 102) AS DayAdded, COUNT(*) AS NumAlertsPerDay
WHERE TimeRaised is not NULL
Top 20 Alerts in an Operational Database, by Alert Count
SELECT TOP 20 SUM(1) AS AlertCount, AlertStringName, AlertStringDescription, MonitoringRuleId, Name
WHERE TimeRaised is not NULL
GROUP BY AlertStringName, AlertStringDescription, MonitoringRuleId, Name
Top 20 Alerts in an Operational Database, by Repeat Count
SELECT TOP 20 SUM(RepeatCount+1) AS RepeatCount, AlertStringName, AlertStringDescription, MonitoringRuleId, Name
WHERE Timeraised is not NULL
GROUP BY AlertStringName, AlertStringDescription, MonitoringRuleId, Name
Number of console Alerts per Day by Resolution State:
CASE WHEN(GROUPING(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), TimeAdded, 102)) = 1) THEN 'All Days' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), TimeAdded, 102) END AS [Date],
CASE WHEN(GROUPING(ResolutionState) = 1) THEN 'All Resolution States' ELSE CAST(ResolutionState AS VARCHAR(5)) END AS [ResolutionState],
COUNT(*) AS NumAlerts
WHERE TimeRaised is not NULL
GROUP BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), TimeAdded, 102), ResolutionState WITH ROLLUP

(Note:  There will be more alerts in the "Alert" table in the form of rows, than exist in the console.  This is because there are non-console alerts where TimeRaised is NULL - these have to do with driving state change records, and are not included in the above queries by design)

Events Section:
All Events by count by day, with total for entire database:  (this tells us how many events per day we are inserting - and helps us look for too many events, event storms, and the result after tuning rules that generate too many events)
THEN 'All Days'
ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), TimeAdded, 102) END AS DayAdded,
COUNT(*) AS EventsPerDay
FROM EventAllView
Most Common Events by event number:  (This helps us know which event ID's are the most common in the database)
SELECT top 20 Number as EventID, COUNT(*) AS TotalEvents
FROM EventView with (NOLOCK)
Most common events by event number and event publishername: (This gives us the event source name to help see what is raising these events)
SELECT top 20 Number as EventID, COUNT(*) AS TotalEvents, Publishername as EventSource
FROM EventAllView eav with (nolock)
GROUP BY Number, Publishername
Most common events, grouped by identical event number, publishername, and event parameters: (This shows use completely redundant events with identical data - but might be different than the above queries... you need to see both data outputs to fully tune)
SELECT top 100 Number as EventID, COUNT(*) AS TotalEvents, Publishername as EventSource, EventParameters
FROM EventAllView with (NOLOCK)
GROUP BY Number, Publishername, EventParameters
Computers generating the most events: (This shows us which computers create the most event traffic and use the most database space)
SELECT top 20 LoggingComputer as ComputerName, COUNT(*) AS TotalEvents
FROM EventallView with (NOLOCK)
GROUP BY LoggingComputer
Computers generating the most events, by event number: (This shows the noisiest computers, group by unique event numbers)
SELECT top 20 LoggingComputer as ComputerName, COUNT(*) AS TotalEvents, Number as EventID
FROM EventallView with (NOLOCK)
GROUP BY LoggingComputer, Number
Computers generating the most events, grouped by identical event number and publishername:
SELECT top 20 LoggingComputer as ComputerName, COUNT(*) AS TotalEvents, PublisherName as EventSource, Number as EventID
FROM EventallView with (NOLOCK)
GROUP BY LoggingComputer, PublisherName, Number

Performance Section:
Performance insertions per day:
THEN 'All Days' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), TimeSampled, 102)
END AS DaySampled, COUNT(*) AS PerfInsertPerDay
FROM PerformanceDataAllView with (NOLOCK)
Top 20 performance insertions by perf object and counter name: 
select top 20 pcv.ObjectName, pcv.CounterName, count (pcv.countername) as Total
from performancedataallview as pdv, performancecounterview as pcv
where (pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid)
group by pcv.objectname, pcv.countername
order by count (pcv.countername) desc
To view all performance insertions for a given computer:
select Path, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, TimeSampled
from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK)
inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid
inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
where path = ''
order by countername, timesampled
To refine a the above query to pull all perf data for a given computer, object, counter, and instance:
select Path, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, TimeSampled
from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK)
inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid
inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
where path = '' AND
objectname = 'LogicalDisk' AND
countername = 'Free Megabytes'
order by timesampled

State Section:
To find out how old your StateChange data is:
declare @statedaystokeep INT
SELECT @statedaystokeep = DaysToKeep from PartitionAndGroomingSettings WHERE ObjectName = 'StateChangeEvent'
SELECT COUNT(*) as 'Total StateChanges',
count(CASE WHEN sce.TimeGenerated > dateadd(dd,-@statedaystokeep,getutcdate()) THEN sce.TimeGenerated ELSE NULL END) as 'within grooming retention',
count(CASE WHEN sce.TimeGenerated < dateadd(dd,-@statedaystokeep,getutcdate()) THEN sce.TimeGenerated ELSE NULL END) as '> grooming retention',
count(CASE WHEN sce.TimeGenerated < dateadd(dd,-30,getutcdate()) THEN sce.TimeGenerated ELSE NULL END) as '> 30 days',
count(CASE WHEN sce.TimeGenerated < dateadd(dd,-90,getutcdate()) THEN sce.TimeGenerated ELSE NULL END) as '> 90 days',
count(CASE WHEN sce.TimeGenerated < dateadd(dd,-365,getutcdate()) THEN sce.TimeGenerated ELSE NULL END) as '> 365 days'
from StateChangeEvent sce
Cleanup old statechanges for disabled monitors:
State changes per day:
THEN 'All Days' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), TimeGenerated, 102)
END AS DayGenerated, COUNT(*) AS StateChangesPerDay
FROM StateChangeEvent WITH (NOLOCK)
ORDER BY DayGenerated DESC
Noisiest monitors changing state in the database in the last 7 days:
select distinct top 50 count(sce.StateId) as NumStateChanges,
m.DisplayName as MonitorDisplayName,
m.Name as MonitorIdName,
mt.typename AS TargetClass
from StateChangeEvent sce with (nolock)
join state s with (nolock) on sce.StateId = s.StateId
join monitorview m with (nolock) on s.MonitorId = m.Id
join managedtype mt with (nolock) on m.TargetMonitoringClassId = mt.ManagedTypeId
where m.IsUnitMonitor = 1
  -- Scoped to within last 7 days
AND sce.TimeGenerated > dateadd(dd,-7,getutcdate())
group by m.DisplayName, m.Name,mt.typename
order by NumStateChanges desc
Noisiest Monitor in the database – PER Object/Computer in the last 7 days:
select distinct top 50 count(sce.StateId) as NumStateChanges,
bme.DisplayName AS ObjectName,
m.DisplayName as MonitorDisplayName,
m.Name as MonitorIdName,
mt.typename AS TargetClass
from StateChangeEvent sce with (nolock)
join state s with (nolock) on sce.StateId = s.StateId
join BaseManagedEntity bme with (nolock) on s.BasemanagedEntityId = bme.BasemanagedEntityId
join MonitorView m with (nolock) on s.MonitorId = m.Id
join managedtype mt with (nolock) on m.TargetMonitoringClassId = mt.ManagedTypeId
where m.IsUnitMonitor = 1
   -- Scoped to specific Monitor (remove the "--" below):
   -- AND m.MonitorName like ('%HealthService%')
   -- Scoped to specific Computer (remove the "--" below):
   -- AND bme.Path like ('%sql%')
   -- Scoped to within last 7 days
AND sce.TimeGenerated > dateadd(dd,-7,getutcdate())
group by s.BasemanagedEntityId,bme.DisplayName,bme.Path,m.DisplayName,m.Name,mt.typename
order by NumStateChanges desc

Performance Signature Section:
To find the rules collecting the most Performance Signature data in the database:
select managementpack.MPName, ruleview.DisplayName,
count(*) AS TotalPerfSig
from performancesignaturedata with (nolock)
inner join performancesignaturehistory with (nolock)
on performancesignaturedata.performancesignaturehistoryid = performancesignaturehistory.performancesignaturehistoryid
inner join performancesignature with (nolock)
on performancesignaturehistory.performancesignatureid = performancesignature.performancesignatureid
inner join ruleview with (nolock)
on = performancesignature.learningruleid
inner join managementpack with(nolock)
on ruleview.managementpackid = managementpack.managementpackid
group by managementpack.mpname, ruleview.Displayname
order by TotalPerfSig DESC, managementpack.mpname, ruleview.DisplayName
To find all Performance Signature Collection rules:
select managementpack.mpname, rules.rulename
from performancesignature with (nolock)
inner join rules with (nolock)
on rules.ruleid = performancesignature.learningruleid
inner join managementpack with(nolock)
on rules.managementpackid = managementpack.managementpackid
group by managementpack.mpname, rules.rulename
order by managementpack.mpname, rules.rulename

Management Pack info:
Rules section:
To find a common rule name given a Rule ID name:
SELECT DisplayName from RuleView
where name = 'Microsoft.SystemCenter.GenericNTPerfMapperModule.FailedExecution.Alert'
-- change the 'name' value above to the Rule ID shown in an alert
Rules per MP:
SELECT mp.MPName, COUNT(*) As RulesPerMP
FROM Rules r
INNER JOIN ManagementPack mp ON mp.ManagementPackID = r.ManagementPackID
Rules per MP by category:
SELECT mp.MPName, r.RuleCategory, COUNT(*) As RulesPerMPPerCategory
FROM Rules r
INNER JOIN ManagementPack mp ON mp.ManagementPackID = r.ManagementPackID
GROUP BY mp.MPName, r.RuleCategory
ORDER BY RulesPerMPPerCategory DESC 
To find all Rules per MP that generate an alert: 
declare @mpid as varchar(50)
select @mpid= managementpackid from managementpack where
select rl.rulename,rl.ruleid,md.modulename from rules rl, module md
where md.managementpackid = @mpid
and rl.ruleid=md.parentid
and moduleconfiguration like '%50%'
To find all rules per MP with a given alert severity:
declare @mpid as varchar(50)
select @mpid= managementpackid from managementpack where
select rl.rulename,rl.ruleid,md.modulename from rules rl, module md
where md.managementpackid = @mpid
and rl.ruleid=md.parentid
and moduleconfiguration like '%2%'
Rules are stored in a table named Rules. This table has columns linking rules to classes and Management Packs. To find all rules in a Management Pack use the following query and substitute in the required Management Pack name:
SELECT * FROM Rules WHERE ManagementPackID = (SELECT ManagementPackID from ManagementPack WHERE MPName = 'Microsoft.Windows.Server.2003') 
To find all rules targeted at a given class use the following query and substitute in the required class name:
SELECT * FROM Rules WHERE TargetManagedEntityType = (SELECT ManagedTypeId FROM ManagedType WHERE TypeName = 'Microsoft.Windows.Computer') 

Monitors Section:
Monitors Per MP:
SELECT mp.MPName, COUNT(*) As MonitorsPerMPPerCategory
FROM Monitor m
INNER JOIN ManagementPack mp ON mp.ManagementPackID = m.ManagementPackID
To find your Monitor by common name:
select * from Monitor m
Inner join LocalizedText LT on LT.ElementName = m.MonitorName
where LTValue = 'Monitor Common Name'
To find your Monitor by ID name:
select * from Monitor m
Inner join LocalizedText LT on LT.ElementName = m.MonitorName
where m.monitorname = 'Monitor ID name'
To find all monitors targeted at a specific class:
SELECT * FROM monitor WHERE TargetManagedEntityType = (SELECT ManagedTypeId FROM ManagedType WHERE TypeName = 'Microsoft.Windows.Computer')

Groups Section:
To find all groups for a given computer/object (change “computername” in the query below):
SELECT SourceMonitoringObjectDisplayName AS 'Group'
FROM RelationshipGenericView
WHERE TargetMonitoringObjectDisplayName like ('%computername%')
AND (SourceMonitoringObjectDisplayName IN
(SELECT ManagedEntityGenericView.DisplayName
FROM ManagedEntityGenericView INNER JOIN
(SELECT     BaseManagedEntityId
FROM          BaseManagedEntity WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE      (BaseManagedEntityId = TopLevelHostEntityId) AND (BaseManagedEntityId NOT IN
(SELECT     R.TargetEntityId
FROM          Relationship AS R WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN
dbo.fn_ContainmentRelationshipTypes() AS CRT ON R.RelationshipTypeId = CRT.RelationshipTypeId
WHERE      (R.IsDeleted = 0)))) AS GetTopLevelEntities ON
GetTopLevelEntities.BaseManagedEntityId = ManagedEntityGenericView.Id INNER JOIN
(SELECT DISTINCT BaseManagedEntityId
FROM          TypedManagedEntity WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE      (ManagedTypeId IN
(SELECT     DerivedManagedTypeId
FROM dbo.fn_DerivedManagedTypes(dbo.fn_ManagedTypeId_Group()) AS fn_DerivedManagedTypes_1))) AS GetOnlyGroups ON
GetOnlyGroups.BaseManagedEntityId = ManagedEntityGenericView.Id))
ORDER BY 'Group'
To find all members of a given group (change the group name below):
select SourceMonitoringObjectDisplayName as 'Group Name',
TargetMonitoringObjectDisplayName as 'Group Members'
from RelationshipGenericView
where isDeleted=0
AND SourceMonitoringObjectDisplayName = 'Agent Managed Computer Group'
ORDER BY TargetMonitoringObjectDisplayName
Find find the entity data on all members of a given group (change the group name below):
SELECT bme.*
FROM BaseManagedEntity bme
INNER JOIN RelationshipGenericView rgv WITH(NOLOCK) ON bme.basemanagedentityid = rgv.TargetMonitoringObjectid
WHERE bme.IsDeleted = '0'
AND rgv.SourceMonitoringObjectDisplayName = 'Agent Managed Computer Group'
ORDER BY bme.displayname

Management Pack general:
To find all installed Management Packs and their version:
SELECT MPName, MPFriendlyName, MPVersion, MPIsSealed
FROM ManagementPack WITH(NOLOCK)
Number of Views per Management Pack:
SELECT mp.MPName, v.ViewVisible, COUNT(*) As ViewsPerMP
FROM [Views] v
            INNER JOIN ManagementPack mp ON mp.ManagementPackID = v.ManagementPackID
GROUP BY  mp.MPName, v.ViewVisible
ORDER BY v.ViewVisible DESC, COUNT(*) Desc
How to gather all the views in the database, their ID, MP location, and view type:
select as 'View Id',
vv.displayname as 'View DisplayName', as 'View Name',
vtv.DisplayName as 'ViewType',
mpv.FriendlyName as 'MP Name'
from ViewsView vv
inner join managementpackview mpv on = vv.managementpackid
inner join viewtypeview vtv on = vv.monitoringviewtypeid
--where mpv.FriendlyName like '%default%'
--where vv.displayname like '%operating%'
order by mpv.FriendlyName, vv.displayname
Classes available in the DB:
SELECT * FROM ManagedType
Classes available in the DB for Microsoft Windows type:
SELECT * FROM ManagedType WHERE TypeName LIKE 'Microsoft.Windows.%'  
Every property of every class:
SELECT * FROM MT_Computer 
All instances of all types once discovered
SELECT * FROM BaseManagedEntity
To get the state of every instance of a particular monitor the following query can be run, (replace with the name of the monitor):
SELECT bme.FullName, bme.DisplayName, s.HealthState FROM state AS s, BaseManagedEntity as bme WHERE s.basemanagedentityid = bme.basemanagedentityid AND s.monitorid IN (SELECT MonitorId FROM Monitor WHERE MonitorName = =‘)
For example, this gets the state of the Microsoft.SQLServer.2005.DBEngine.ServiceMonitor for each instance of the SQL 2005 Database Engine class.
SELECT bme.FullName, bme.DisplayName, s.HealthState FROM state AS s, BaseManagedEntity as bme WHERE s.basemanagedentityid = bme.basemanagedentityid AND s.monitorid IN (SELECT MonitorId FROM Monitor WHERE MonitorName = 'Microsoft.SQLServer.2005.DBEngine.ServiceMonitor') 
To find the overall state of any object in OpsMgr the following query should be used to return the state of the System.EntityState monitor:
SELECT bme.FullName, bme.DisplayName, s.HealthState FROM state AS s, mt_managedcomputer AS mt, BaseManagedEntity as bme WHERE s.basemanagedentityid = bme.basemanagedentityid AND s.monitorid IN (SELECT MonitorId FROM Monitor WHERE MonitorName = 'System.Health.EntityState') 
The Alert table contains all alerts currently open in OpsMgr. This includes resolved alerts until they are groomed out of the database. To get all alerts across all instances of a given monitor use the following query and substitute in the required monitor name:
SELECT * FROM Alert WHERE ProblemID IN (SELECT MonitorId FROM Monitor WHERE MonitorName = 'Microsoft.SQLServer.2005.DBEngine.ServiceMonitor')
To retrieve all alerts for all instances of a specific class use the following query and substitute in the required table name, in this example MT_DBEngine is used to look for SQL alerts:
SELECT * FROM Alert WHERE BaseManagedEntityID IN (SELECT BaseManagedEntityID from MT_DBEngine)
To determine which table is currently being written to for event and performance data use the following query:
SELECT * FROM PartitionTables WHERE IsCurrent = 1
To retrieve events generated by a specific rule use the following query and substitute in the required rule ID:
SELECT * FROM Event_00 WHERE RuleId = (SELECT RuleId FROM Rules WHERE RuleName = 'Microsoft.Windows.Server.2003.OperatingSystem.CleanShutdown.Collection ')
To retrieve all events generated by rules in a specific Management Pack the following query can be used where the Management Pack name is substituted with the required value:
SELECT * FROM EventAllView WHERE RuleID IN (SELECT RuleId FROM Rules WHERE ManagementPackId = (SELECT ManagementPackId FROM ManagementPack WHERE MPName = 'Microsoft.Windows.Server.2003'))
Number of instances of a type:  (Number of disks, computers, databases, etc that OpsMgr has discovered)
SELECT mt.ManagedTypeID, mt.TypeName, COUNT(*) AS NumEntitiesByType
FROM BaseManagedEntity bme WITH(NOLOCK)
            LEFT JOIN ManagedType mt WITH(NOLOCK) ON mt.ManagedTypeID = bme.BaseManagedTypeID
WHERE bme.IsDeleted = 0
GROUP BY mt.ManagedTypeID, mt.TypeName
To retrieve all performance data for a given rule in a readable format use the following query: (change the r.RuleName value – get list from Rules Table)
SELECT bme.Path, pc.ObjectName, pc.CounterName, ps.PerfmonInstanceName, pdav.SampleValue, pdav.TimeSampled
FROM PerformanceDataAllView AS pdav with (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN PerformanceSource ps on pdav.PerformanceSourceInternalId = ps.PerformanceSourceInternalId
INNER JOIN PerformanceCounter pc on ps.PerformanceCounterId = pc.PerformanceCounterId
INNER JOIN Rules r on ps.RuleId = r.RuleId
INNER JOIN BaseManagedEntity bme on ps.BaseManagedEntityID = bme.BaseManagedEntityID
WHERE r.RuleName = 'Microsoft.Windows.Server.2003.LogicalDisk.FreeSpace.Collection'
GROUP BY PerfmonInstanceName, ObjectName, CounterName, SampleValue, TimeSampled, bme.path
ORDER BY bme.path, PerfmonInstanceName, TimeSampled
To determine what discoveries are still associated with a computer – helpful in finding old stale computer objects in the console that are no longer agent managed, or desired.
select BME.FullName, DS.DiscoveryRuleID, D.DiscoveryName from typedmanagedentity TME
Join BaseManagedEntity BME ON TME.BaseManagedEntityId = BME.BaseManagedEntityId
JOIN DiscoverySourceToTypedManagedEntity DSTME ON TME.TypedManagedEntityID = DSTME.TypedManagedEntityID
JOIN DiscoverySource DS ON DS.DiscoverySourceID = DSTME.DiscoverySourceID
JOIN Discovery D ON DS.DiscoveryRuleID=D.DiscoveryID
Where BME.Fullname like '%ComputerName%'
To dump out all the rules and monitors that have overrides, and display the context and instance of the override:
select rv.DisplayName as WorkFlowName, OverrideName, mo.Value as OverrideValue,
mt.TypeName as OverrideScope, bme.DisplayName as InstanceName, bme.Path as InstancePath,
mpv.DisplayName as ORMPName, mo.LastModified as LastModified
from ModuleOverride mo
inner join managementpackview mpv on mpv.Id = mo.ManagementPackId
inner join ruleview rv on rv.Id = mo.ParentId
inner join ManagedType mt on mt.managedtypeid = mo.TypeContext
left join BaseManagedEntity bme on bme.BaseManagedEntityId = mo.InstanceContext
Where mpv.Sealed = 0
select mv.DisplayName as WorkFlowName, OverrideName, mto.Value as OverrideValue,
mt.TypeName as OverrideScope, bme.DisplayName as InstanceName, bme.Path as InstancePath,
mpv.DisplayName as ORMPName, mto.LastModified as LastModified
from MonitorOverride mto
inner join managementpackview mpv on mpv.Id = mto.ManagementPackId
inner join monitorview mv on mv.Id = mto.MonitorId
inner join ManagedType mt on mt.managedtypeid = mto.TypeContext
left join BaseManagedEntity bme on bme.BaseManagedEntityId = mto.InstanceContext
Where mpv.Sealed = 0
Order By mpv.DisplayName

Agent Info:
To find all managed computers that are currently down and not pingable:
SELECT bme.DisplayName,s.LastModified as LastModifiedUTC, dateadd(hh,-5,s.LastModified) as 'LastModifiedCST (GMT-5)'
FROM state AS s, BaseManagedEntity AS bme
WHERE s.basemanagedentityid = bme.basemanagedentityid
AND s.monitorid
IN (SELECT MonitorId FROM Monitor WHERE MonitorName = 'Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService.ComputerDown')
AND s.Healthstate = '3' AND bme.IsDeleted = '0'
ORDER BY s.Lastmodified DESC
All managed computers count:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumManagedComps FROM (
SELECT bme2.BaseManagedEntityID
FROM BaseManagedEntity bme WITH (NOLOCK)
            INNER JOIN BaseManagedEntity bme2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON bme2.BaseManagedEntityID = bme.TopLevelHostEntityID
WHERE bme2.IsDeleted = 0
            AND bme2.IsDeleted = 0
            AND bme2.BaseManagedTypeID = (SELECT TOP 1 ManagedTypeID FROM ManagedType WHERE TypeName = '')
GROUP BY bme2.BaseManagedEntityID
) AS Comps
To find a computer name from a HealthServiceID (guid from the Agent proxy alerts)
select DisplayName, Path, basemanagedentityid from basemanagedentity where basemanagedentityid = 'guid'
To view the agent patch list (all hotfixes applied to all agents)
select bme.path AS 'Agent Name', hs.patchlist AS 'Patch List' from MT_HealthService hs
inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on hs.BaseManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
order by path
To view all agents missing a specific hotfix (change the KB number below to the one you are looking for):
select bme.path AS 'Agent Name', hs.patchlist AS 'Patch List' from MT_HealthService hs
inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on hs.BaseManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
where hs.patchlist not like '%951380%'
order by path
Here is a query to see all Agents which are manually installed:
select bme.DisplayName from MT_HealthService mths
INNER JOIN BaseManagedEntity bme on bme.BaseManagedEntityId = mths.BaseManagedEntityId
where IsManuallyInstalled = 1
Here is a query that will set all agents back to Remotely Manageable:
UPDATE MT_HealthService
SET IsManuallyInstalled=0
WHERE IsManuallyInstalled=1
Now – the above query will set ALL agents back to “Remotely Manageable = Yes” in the console.  If you want to control it agent by agent – you need to specify it by name here:
UPDATE MT_HealthService
SET IsManuallyInstalled=0
WHERE IsManuallyInstalled=1
AND BaseManagedEntityId IN
(select BaseManagedEntityID from BaseManagedEntity
where BaseManagedTypeId = 'AB4C891F-3359-3FB6-0704-075FBFE36710'
AND DisplayName = '')
Get the instance space of all agents  (Thanks to Hui and Michael Pearson)
SELECT @RelationshipTypeId_Manages = dbo.fn_RelationshipTypeId_Manages()
SELECT bme.FullName, dt.TopLevelEntityName, dt.BaseEntityName, dt.TypedEntityName
FROM BaseManagedEntity bme
      HBME.BaseManagedEntityId AS HS_BMEID,
      TBME.FullName AS TopLevelEntityName,
      BME.FullName AS BaseEntityName,
      TYPE.TypeName AS TypedEntityName
      INNER JOIN TypedManagedEntity TME WITH(NOLOCK) ON BME.BaseManagedEntityId = TME.BaseManagedEntityId AND BME.IsDeleted = 0 AND TME.IsDeleted = 0
      INNER JOIN BaseManagedEntity TBME WITH(NOLOCK) ON BME.TopLevelHostEntityId = TBME.BaseManagedEntityId AND TBME.IsDeleted = 0
      INNER JOIN ManagedType TYPE WITH(NOLOCK) ON TME.ManagedTypeID = TYPE.ManagedTypeID
      LEFT JOIN Relationship R WITH(NOLOCK) ON R.TargetEntityId = TBME.BaseManagedEntityId AND R.RelationshipTypeId = @RelationshipTypeId_Manages AND R.IsDeleted = 0
      LEFT JOIN BaseManagedEntity HBME WITH(NOLOCK) ON R.SourceEntityId = HBME.BaseManagedEntityId
) AS dt ON dt.HS_BMEID = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
ORDER BY bme.FullName, BaseEntityName
Get the discovered instance count of the top 50 agents (Thanks to Hui and Michael Pearson)
SELECT @RelationshipTypeId_Manages = dbo.fn_RelationshipTypeId_Manages()
SELECT TOP 50 bme.DisplayName, SUM(1) AS HostedInstances
FROM BaseManagedEntity bme
      HBME.BaseManagedEntityId AS HS_BMEID,
      TBME.FullName AS TopLevelEntityName,
      BME.FullName AS BaseEntityName,
      TYPE.TypeName AS TypedEntityName
      INNER JOIN TypedManagedEntity TME WITH(NOLOCK) ON BME.BaseManagedEntityId = TME.BaseManagedEntityId AND BME.IsDeleted = 0 AND TME.IsDeleted = 0
      INNER JOIN BaseManagedEntity TBME WITH(NOLOCK) ON BME.TopLevelHostEntityId = TBME.BaseManagedEntityId AND TBME.IsDeleted = 0
      INNER JOIN ManagedType TYPE WITH(NOLOCK) ON TME.ManagedTypeID = TYPE.ManagedTypeID
      LEFT JOIN Relationship R WITH(NOLOCK) ON R.TargetEntityId = TBME.BaseManagedEntityId AND R.RelationshipTypeId = @RelationshipTypeId_Manages AND R.IsDeleted = 0
      LEFT JOIN BaseManagedEntity HBME WITH(NOLOCK) ON R.SourceEntityId = HBME.BaseManagedEntityId
) AS dt ON dt.HS_BMEID = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
GROUP by BME.displayname
order by HostedInstances DESC
Instance space per class (not happy with this – includes duplicates for clusters)
SELECT @RelationshipTypeId_Manages = dbo.fn_RelationshipTypeId_Manages()
SELECT TypedEntityName, SUM(1) AS InstanceCount
FROM BaseManagedEntity bme
      HBME.BaseManagedEntityId AS HS_BMEID,
      TBME.FullName AS TopLevelEntityName,
      BME.FullName AS BaseEntityName,
      TYPE.TypeName AS TypedEntityName
      INNER JOIN TypedManagedEntity TME WITH(NOLOCK) ON BME.BaseManagedEntityId = TME.BaseManagedEntityId AND BME.IsDeleted = 0 AND TME.IsDeleted = 0
      INNER JOIN BaseManagedEntity TBME WITH(NOLOCK) ON BME.TopLevelHostEntityId = TBME.BaseManagedEntityId AND TBME.IsDeleted = 0
      INNER JOIN ManagedType TYPE WITH(NOLOCK) ON TME.ManagedTypeID = TYPE.ManagedTypeID
      LEFT JOIN Relationship R WITH(NOLOCK) ON R.TargetEntityId = TBME.BaseManagedEntityId AND R.RelationshipTypeId = @RelationshipTypeId_Manages AND R.IsDeleted = 0
      LEFT JOIN BaseManagedEntity HBME WITH(NOLOCK) ON R.SourceEntityId = HBME.BaseManagedEntityId
) AS dt ON dt.HS_BMEID = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
GROUP by TypedEntityName
order by InstanceCount DESC

Misc OpsDB:
To view grooming info:
SELECT * FROM PartitionAndGroomingSettings WITH (NOLOCK)
Information on existing User Roles:
SELECT UserRoleName, IsSystem from userrole
Operational DB version:
select DBVersion from __MOMManagementGroupInfo__
To view all Run-As Profiles, their associated Run-As account, and associated agent name:
select srv.displayname as 'RunAs Profile Name',
srv.description as 'RunAs Profile Description', as 'RunAs Account Name',
cmss.description as 'RunAs Account Description',
cmss.username as 'RunAs Account Username',
cmss.domain as 'RunAs Account Domain',
mp.FriendlyName as 'RunAs Profile MP',
bme.displayname as 'HealthService'
from dbo.SecureStorageSecureReference sssr
inner join SecureReferenceView srv on = sssr.securereferenceID
inner join CredentialManagerSecureStorage cmss on cmss.securestorageelementID = sssr.securestorageelementID
inner join managementpackview mp on srv.ManagementPackId = mp.Id
inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on bme.basemanagedentityID = sssr.healthserviceid
order by srv.displayname
To clean up old StateChangeEvent data for state changes that are older than the defined grooming period, such as monitors currently in a disabled, warning, or critical state.  By default we only groom monitor statechangeevents where the monitor is enabled and healthy at the time of grooming.
USE [OperationsManager]
    DECLARE @Err int
    DECLARE @Ret int
    DECLARE @DaysToKeep tinyint
    DECLARE @GroomingThresholdLocal datetime
    DECLARE @GroomingThresholdUTC datetime
    DECLARE @TimeGroomingRan datetime
    DECLARE @MaxTimeGroomed datetime
    DECLARE @RowCount int
    SET @TimeGroomingRan = getutcdate()
    SELECT @GroomingThresholdLocal = dbo.fn_GroomingThreshold(DaysToKeep, getdate())
    FROM dbo.PartitionAndGroomingSettings
    WHERE ObjectName = 'StateChangeEvent'
    EXEC dbo.p_ConvertLocalTimeToUTC @GroomingThresholdLocal, @GroomingThresholdUTC OUT
    SET @Err = @@ERROR
    IF (@Err <> 0)
        GOTO Error_Exit
    SET @RowCount = 1  
    -- This is to update the settings table
    -- with the max groomed data
    SELECT @MaxTimeGroomed = MAX(TimeGenerated)
    FROM dbo.StateChangeEvent
    WHERE TimeGenerated < @GroomingThresholdUTC
    IF @MaxTimeGroomed IS NULL
        GOTO Success_Exit
    -- Instead of the FK DELETE CASCADE handling the deletion of the rows from
    -- the MJS table, do it explicitly. Performance is much better this way.
    FROM dbo.MonitoringJobStatus MJS
    JOIN dbo.StateChangeEvent SCE
        ON SCE.StateChangeEventId = MJS.StateChangeEventId
    JOIN dbo.State S WITH(NOLOCK)
        ON SCE.[StateId] = S.[StateId]
    WHERE SCE.TimeGenerated < @GroomingThresholdUTC
    AND S.[HealthState] in (0,1,2,3)
    SELECT @Err = @@ERROR
    IF (@Err <> 0)
        GOTO Error_Exit
    WHILE (@RowCount > 0)
        -- Delete StateChangeEvents that are older than @GroomingThresholdUTC
        -- We are doing this in chunks in separate transactions on
        -- purpose: to avoid the transaction log to grow too large.
        DELETE TOP (10000) SCE
        FROM dbo.StateChangeEvent SCE
        JOIN dbo.State S WITH(NOLOCK)
            ON SCE.[StateId] = S.[StateId]
        WHERE TimeGenerated < @GroomingThresholdUTC
        AND S.[HealthState] in (0,1,2,3)
        SELECT @Err = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT
        IF (@Err <> 0)
            GOTO Error_Exit
    UPDATE dbo.PartitionAndGroomingSettings
    SET GroomingRunTime = @TimeGroomingRan,
        DataGroomedMaxTime = @MaxTimeGroomed
    WHERE ObjectName = 'StateChangeEvent'
    SELECT @Err = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT
    IF (@Err <> 0)
        GOTO Error_Exit

Data Warehouse Database Section:

Alerts Section:
To get all raw alert data from the data warehouse to build reports from:
select * from Alert.vAlertResolutionState ars
inner join Alert.vAlertDetail adt on ars.alertguid = adt.alertguid
inner join Alert.vAlert alt on ars.alertguid = alt.alertguid
To view data on all alerts modified by a specific user:
select ars.alertguid, alertname, alertdescription, statesetbyuserid, resolutionstate, statesetdatetime, severity, priority, managedentityrowID, repeatcount
from Alert.vAlertResolutionState ars
inner join Alert.vAlert alt on ars.alertguid = alt.alertguid
where statesetbyuserid like '%username%'
order by statesetdatetime
To view a count of all alerts closed by all users:
select statesetbyuserid, count(*) as 'Number of Alerts'
from Alert.vAlertResolutionState ars
where resolutionstate = '255'
group by statesetbyuserid
order by 'Number of Alerts' DESC

Events Section:
To inspect total events in DW, and then break it down per day:  (this helps us know what we will be grooming out, and look for partitcular day event storms)
THEN 'All Days'
ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), DateTime, 101) END AS DayAdded,
COUNT(*) AS NumEventsPerDay
FROM Event.vEvent
Most Common Events by event number:  (This helps us know which event ID's are the most common in the database)
SELECT top 50 EventDisplayNumber, COUNT(*) AS TotalEvents
FROM Event.vEvent
GROUP BY EventDisplayNumber
Most common events by event number and raw event description (this will take a very long time to run but it shows us not only event ID - but a description of the event to help understand which MP is the generating the noise)
SELECT top 50 EventDisplayNumber, Rawdescription, COUNT(*) AS TotalEvents
FROM Event.vEvent evt
inner join Event.vEventDetail evtd on evt.eventoriginid = evtd.eventoriginid
GROUP BY EventDisplayNumber, Rawdescription
To view all event data in the DW for a given Event ID:
select * from Event.vEvent ev
inner join Event.vEventDetail evd on ev.eventoriginid = evd.eventoriginid
inner join Event.vEventParameter evp on ev.eventoriginid = evp.eventoriginid
where eventdisplaynumber = '528'
To search for all computers who have NOT logged a specific event in the DW:
select distinct elc.computername from Event.vEvent ev
inner join vEventLoggingComputer elc on elc.eventloggingcomputerrowid = ev.loggingcomputerrowid
where NOT eventdisplaynumber = '223'

Performance Section:

Raw data – core query:
select top 10 *
from Perf.vPerfRaw pvpr
inner join vManagedEntity vme on pvpr.ManagedEntityRowId = vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vPerformanceRuleInstance vpri on pvpr.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vpri.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
inner join vPerformanceRule vpr on vpr.RuleRowId = vpri.RuleRowId
Raw data - More selective of “interesting” output data:
select top 10 Path, FullName, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, DateTime
from Perf.vPerfRaw pvpr
inner join vManagedEntity vme on pvpr.ManagedEntityRowId = vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vPerformanceRuleInstance vpri on pvpr.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vpri.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
inner join vPerformanceRule vpr on vpr.RuleRowId = vpri.RuleRowId
Raw data - Scoped to a ComputerName (FQDN)
select top 10 Path, FullName, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, DateTime
from Perf.vPerfRaw pvpr
inner join vManagedEntity vme on pvpr.ManagedEntityRowId = vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vPerformanceRuleInstance vpri on pvpr.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vpri.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
inner join vPerformanceRule vpr on vpr.RuleRowId = vpri.RuleRowId
WHERE Path = ''
Raw data - Scoped to a Counter:
select top 10 Path, FullName, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, DateTime
from Perf.vPerfRaw pvpr
inner join vManagedEntity vme on pvpr.ManagedEntityRowId = vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vPerformanceRuleInstance vpri on pvpr.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vpri.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
inner join vPerformanceRule vpr on vpr.RuleRowId = vpri.RuleRowId
WHERE CounterName = 'Private Bytes'
Raw data - Scoped to a Computer and Counter:
select top 10 Path, FullName, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, DateTime
from Perf.vPerfRaw pvpr
inner join vManagedEntity vme on pvpr.ManagedEntityRowId = vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vPerformanceRuleInstance vpri on pvpr.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vpri.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
inner join vPerformanceRule vpr on vpr.RuleRowId = vpri.RuleRowId
WHERE CounterName = 'Private Bytes'
Raw data - Ordered By DateTime:
select top 10 Path, FullName, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, DateTime
from Perf.vPerfRaw pvpr
inner join vManagedEntity vme on pvpr.ManagedEntityRowId = vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vPerformanceRuleInstance vpri on pvpr.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vpri.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
inner join vPerformanceRule vpr on vpr.RuleRowId = vpri.RuleRowId
WHERE CounterName = 'Private Bytes'
Order By DateTime DESC
Raw data - Modified DateTime relative to Central Time zone:
select top 10 Path, FullName, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, dateadd(hh,-5,DateTime) as 'DateTime (GMT-5)'
from Perf.vPerfRaw pvpr
inner join vManagedEntity vme on pvpr.ManagedEntityRowId = vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vPerformanceRuleInstance vpri on pvpr.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vpri.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
inner join vPerformanceRule vpr on vpr.RuleRowId = vpri.RuleRowId
WHERE CounterName = 'Private Bytes'
Order By DateTime DESC
Raw data - How to get all the possible optional data to modify these queries above, in a list:
Select Distinct Path
from Perf.vPerfRaw pvpr
inner join vManagedEntity vme on pvpr.ManagedEntityRowId = vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vPerformanceRuleInstance vpri on pvpr.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vpri.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
inner join vPerformanceRule vpr on vpr.RuleRowId = vpri.RuleRowId
Select Distinct Fullname
from Perf.vPerfRaw pvpr
inner join vManagedEntity vme on pvpr.ManagedEntityRowId = vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vPerformanceRuleInstance vpri on pvpr.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vpri.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
inner join vPerformanceRule vpr on vpr.RuleRowId = vpri.RuleRowId
Select Distinct ObjectName
from Perf.vPerfRaw pvpr
inner join vManagedEntity vme on pvpr.ManagedEntityRowId = vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vPerformanceRuleInstance vpri on pvpr.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vpri.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
inner join vPerformanceRule vpr on vpr.RuleRowId = vpri.RuleRowId
Select Distinct CounterName
from Perf.vPerfRaw pvpr
inner join vManagedEntity vme on pvpr.ManagedEntityRowId = vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vPerformanceRuleInstance vpri on pvpr.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vpri.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
inner join vPerformanceRule vpr on vpr.RuleRowId = vpri.RuleRowId
Select Distinct InstanceName
from Perf.vPerfRaw pvpr
inner join vManagedEntity vme on pvpr.ManagedEntityRowId = vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vPerformanceRuleInstance vpri on pvpr.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vpri.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
inner join vPerformanceRule vpr on vpr.RuleRowId = vpri.RuleRowId

Grooming in the DataWarehouse: 
Grooming no longer uses SQL agent jobs.  Grooming is handled by scheduled stored procedures, that run much more frequently, which provides less impact than in the previous version. 
Default grooming for the DW for each dataset, to examine Data Warehouse grooming settings:
SELECT AggregationIntervalDurationMinutes, BuildAggregationStoredProcedureName, GroomStoredProcedureName, MaxDataAgeDays, GroomingIntervalMinutes FROM StandardDatasetAggregation
The first row is the interval in minutes.
NULL is raw data, 60 is hourly, and 1440 is daily.
The second and third row shows what data it is
MaxDataAgeDays has the retention period in days - this is the field to update if the administrator wants to lower the days of retention.
RAW alert – 400 days
RAW event – 100 days
RAW perf – 10 days (hourly and daily perf = 400 days)
RAW state – 180 days  (hourly and daily state = 400 days)

Here is a better view of the current data retention in your data warehouse:
select ds.datasetDefaultName AS 'Dataset Name', sda.AggregationTypeId AS 'Agg Type 0=raw, 20=Hourly, 30=Daily', sda.MaxDataAgeDays AS 'Retention Time in Days'
from dataset ds, StandardDatasetAggregation sda
WHERE ds.datasetid = sda.datasetid
ORDER by ds.datasetDefaultName
To view the number of days of total data of each type in the DW:
SELECT DATEDIFF(d, MIN(DWCreatedDateTime), GETDATE()) AS [Current] FROM Alert.vAlert
SELECT DATEDIFF(d, MIN(DateTime), GETDATE()) AS [Current] FROM Event.vEvent
SELECT DATEDIFF(d, MIN(DateTime), GETDATE()) AS [Current] FROM Perf.vPerfRaw
SELECT DATEDIFF(d, MIN(DateTime), GETDATE()) AS [Current] FROM Perf.vPerfHourly
SELECT DATEDIFF(d, MIN(DateTime), GETDATE()) AS [Current] FROM Perf.vPerfDaily
SELECT DATEDIFF(d, MIN(DateTime), GETDATE()) AS [Current] FROM State.vStateRaw
SELECT DATEDIFF(d, MIN(DateTime), GETDATE()) AS [Current] FROM State.vStateHourly
SELECT DATEDIFF(d, MIN(DateTime), GETDATE()) AS [Current] FROM State.vStateDaily
To view the oldest and newest recorded timestamps of each data type in the DW:
select min(DateTime) from Event.vEvent
select max(DateTime) from Event.vEvent
select min(DateTime) from Perf.vPerfRaw
select max(DateTime) from Perf.vPerfRaw
select min(DWCreatedDateTime) from Alert.vAlert
select max(DWCreatedDateTime) from Alert.vAlert

AEM Queries (Data Warehouse):
Default query to return all RAW AEM data:
select * from [CM].[vCMAemRaw] Rw
inner join dbo.AemComputer Computer on Computer.AemComputerRowID = Rw.AemComputerRowID
inner join dbo.AemUser Usr on Usr.AemUserRowId = Rw.AemUserRowId
inner join dbo.AemErrorGroup EGrp on Egrp.ErrorGroupRowId = Rw.ErrorGroupRowId
Inner join dbo.AemApplication App on App.ApplicationRowId = Egrp.ApplicationRowId
Count the raw crashes per day:
SELECT CONVERT(char(10), DateTime, 101) AS "Crash Date (by Day)", COUNT(*) AS "Number of Crashes"
FROM [CM].[vCMAemRaw]
GROUP BY CONVERT(char(10), DateTime, 101)
ORDER BY "Crash Date (by Day)" DESC
Count the total number of raw crashes in the DW database:
select count(*) from CM.vCMAemRaw
Default grooming for the DW for the AEM dataset:  (Aggregated data kept for 400 days, RAW 30 days by default)
SELECT AggregationTypeID, BuildAggregationStoredProcedureName, GroomStoredProcedureName, MaxDataAgeDays, GroomingIntervalMinutes
FROM StandardDatasetAggregation WHERE BuildAggregationStoredProcedureName = 'AemAggregate'

Misc Section:

Simple query to display large tables, to determine what is taking up space in the database:
8 * Sum(CASE WHEN si.indid IN (0, 1) THEN si.reserved END) AS data_kb,
Coalesce(8 * Sum(CASE WHEN si.indid NOT IN (0, 1, 255) THEN si.reserved END), 0) AS index_kb,
Coalesce(8 * Sum(CASE WHEN si.indid IN (255) THEN si.reserved END), 0) AS blob_kb
FROM dbo.sysobjects AS so JOIN dbo.sysindexes AS si ON ( =
WHERE 'U' = so.type GROUP BY  ORDER BY data_kb DESC
Is SQL broker enabled?
SELECT is_broker_enabled FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'OperationsManager'
How to identify your version of SQL server:
SELECT  SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')
SQL 2005:
SQL Server 2005 RTM                    2005.90.1399
SQL Server 2005 SP1                     2005.90.2047
SQL Server 2005 SP1 plus 918222  2005.90.2153
SQL Server 2005 SP2                     2005.90.3042
How to identify your version of OpsMgr 2007:
RTM:          6.0.5000.0
SP1-RC:     6.0.6246.0
SP1:          6.0.6278.0
To get better performance manually:
Update Statistics (will help speed up reports and takes less time than a full reindex):
EXEC sp_updatestats
Show index fragmentation (to determine how badly you need a reindex – logical scan frag > 10% = bad. Scan density below 80 = bad):
DBCC SHOWCONTIG WITH FAST (less data than above – in case you don’t have time)
Reindex the database:
USE OperationsManager
EXEC SP_MSForEachTable "Print 'Reindexing '+'?' DBCC DBREINDEX ('?')"
Table by table:
Query to view the index job history on domain tables in the databases:
select *
from DomainTable dt
inner join DomainTableIndexOptimizationHistory dti
on dt.domaintablerowID = dti.domaintableindexrowID
ORDER BY optimizationdurationseconds DESC
Query to view the update statistics job history on domain tables in the databases:
select *
from DomainTable dt
inner join DomainTableStatisticsUpdateHistory dti
on dt.domaintablerowID = dti.domaintablerowID
ORDER BY UpdateDurationSeconds DESC
Data Warehouse query to examine the index and statistics history - run the following query for the Alert, Event, Perf, and State tables (these are non-domain tables):
select basetablename, optimizationstartdatetime, optimizationdurationseconds,
      beforeavgfragmentationinpercent, afteravgfragmentationinpercent,
      optimizationmethod, onlinerebuildlastperformeddatetime
from StandardDatasetOptimizationHistory sdoh
inner join StandardDatasetAggregationStorageIndex sdasi
on sdoh.StandardDatasetAggregationStorageIndexRowId = sdasi.StandardDatasetAggregationStorageIndexRowId
inner join StandardDatasetAggregationStorage sdas
on sdasi.StandardDatasetAggregationStorageRowId = sdas.StandardDatasetAggregationStorageRowId
ORDER BY optimizationdurationseconds DESC

MP Authoring Videos: How Discoveries work

Brian Wren has made some cool videos about how Discoveries in SCOM work.

There are three videos available now:
  1. How Discovery Works;
  2. Registry Discoveries;
  3. WMI Discoveries.