Dec 13, 2011

Operations Manager 2007 SP1 tracing

As described in this KB article, OpsMgr2007 is using ETW/WPP tracing which was not very customer consumable. The conversion to readable text was required with the use of TMF files which did not ship with RTM version of the product. So decision was made and things changed with SP1 release (and such were also present with SP1 RC).
Tracing changes:
1.       Trace is started automatically with level ERR (see this article for tracing levels).
2.       Trace can be formatted by executing FormatTracing.cmd and results are offered for automatic review right after formatting completes.
3.       Trace can be stopped and restarted without stopping HealthService.exe, but default trace level is used once again after HealthService.exe restarts. Also, right upon its start, HealthService backups last tracing (previous trace file) where this backed-up trace will be formatted into readable form after executing FormatTracing.cmd too.
Tracing adjustments:

1.       To confirm that tracing is running and was not stopped (for example by executing StopTracing.cmd):
·         On the computer on which you want confirm trace execution, click Start, click Run, type cmd and then click OK
·         At the command prompt, type tracelog.exe –l command to list all tracing providers. (Tracelog tool is accessible thru Resource Kit when not present on the system already).

Another option is to enumerate loggers using WMI:
·         On the computer on which you want confirm trace execution, click Start, click Run, type wbemtest and then click OK
·         Assuming you have administrative privileges, click Connect, type root\wmi and then click Connect
·         Click Enum Instances, type TraceLogger and then click OK
Trace providers enabled with OpsMgr2007 SP1 are:
·         TracingGuidsBID              traces from SDK and managed modules
·         TracingGuidsNative        traces from runtime and native modules
·         TracingGuidsUI                traces from UI

2.       To change default tracing level, registry DWORD value TracingLevel needs to be changed, where such value resides under the registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Tracing (this key can be created because it is not present after clean installation of OpsMgr2007 SP1).

Number used is bitmap with following level to value mappings:
·         ERR        1
·         WRN      3
·         INF         7
·         VER        15

3.       To disable default tracing, registry DWORD value DisableAutoTracing needs to be created (or its value changed), where such value resides under the registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Tracing (this key can be created because it is not present after clean installation of OpsMgr2007 SP1).

Number to be used with disable tracing:
·         0                          tracing is enabled
·         Any number       tracing is disabled