Nov 3, 2010

Show all agents without ACS enable

In Operations Manager 2007, Audit Collection Services (ACS) provides a means to collect records generated by an audit policy and store them in a centralized database. More info about ACS here.
If you enable ACS gradually or as you install agents it is easy to forget a agent or two. Then you need a view that shows you all agents where you have not enable ACS. I was looking for that kind of view a couple of days ago. Unfortunaly I could not find it so I created it myself instead. My idea was to show all machines where the AdtAgent service, the ACS agent service, is disable. To get this to work we need to do a discovery of a registry value on all machines with a health service. The discovery will tell us the start-up configuration of the AdtAgent service (ACS agent). The result of the discovery will shown as a extra property of the health service.

  1. In the Operations Manager console navigate to the Authoring workspace.
  2. Expand management pack objects and right-click attributes, select Create a New Attribute
  3. In the Create Attribute Wizard, General Properties page, input a name for example Contoso – noACSAgent
  4. In the Create Attribute Wizard, Discovery Method page, input
    • Discovery Type: Registry
    • Target: Health Service
    • Management Pack: Select one of your unsealed MPs or create a new MP
  5. In the Create Attribute Wizard, input
    • Key or Value Type: Value
    • Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\AdtAgent\Start
    • Attribute Type: Int
  6. Click Finish to save your new attribute
  7. Navigate to the Monitoring workspace, right-click the management pack where you stored the attribute, select create new state view
  8. Name the view “Contoso – Agents without ACS” and configure
    • Show data related to: Health Service_Extended
    • with specific Contoso – noACSAgent , configure it with 4 (Show all state with 4 Contoso – noACSAgent) A service configured with startup to 4 means that the service is disable.
  9. Click OK to save your new view
This view will now show you all agents with a disabled ACS (AdtAgent) service.

SQL Server 2008 R2 and SCOM R2

For some weeks now SCOM R2 officially supports SQL Server 2008 R2 in environments where SCOM R2 is FRESHLY installed. (Upgrading an existing SCOM R2 environment to run on a SQL Server 2008 R2 database isn’t supported yet): image
This posting will be about my personal experiences installing a new SCOM R2 environment using SQL Server 2008 R2. It will certainly not describe everything, but just the things you need to know.
My overall impressions are very positive. Knowledge Article KB2425714 describes all you need to know (and to do) and is spot on. No surprises what so ever. It was really a walk in the park, especially compared to upgrading an existing SCOM R2 environment using SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 SP1.
Lets start.
In order to get a new SCOM R2 environment running on SQL Server 2008 R2 these steps need to be taken:

  1. Installation of SQL Server 2008 R2 The installation wizard does not differ that much from the one uses in SQL Server 2008 editions. Pretty straightforward. Choose the required components for SCOM (Database Engine Services, Reporting Services, Management Tools - Complete) and some additional ones I always prefer (Business Intelligence Development Studio, SQL Server Books Online). One thing to remind though is to choose the correct Collation settings:

    And of course, when SQL is installed, test SQL Server Reporting Services by starting IE with elevated permissions and browse to http://localhost/reports. It might take a while but when all is OK this will be shown:
  2. SCOM R2 Database creation – OpsMgr DB Now with SQL in place the real fun starts. The required OpsMgr DB for SCOM R2 needs to be created. Normally this is done through the installation wizard. However, with SQL Server 2008 R2 this will not work since the wizard does not recognize this kind of SQL Server. Therefore a tool must be used which is present on the installation media (folder ~\SupportTools\AMD64) of SCOM R2, DBCreateWizard.exe.

    This tool needs to be run from the server running SQL Server 2008 R2. Again, this is easy. Since it is GUI based. Just follow the wizard in conjunction with the early mentioned KB article and you will be just fine. When all required information has been entered you will have a screen looking (a bit) like this one:

    Of course, the name of the Management Group has to be entered as well in conjunction with the SCOM Admins:

    After that the DB will be created:

    Very easy, nothing to worry about.

  3. SCOM R2 Database creation – OpsMgr Data Warehouse After the successful creation of the OpsMgr DB it is time to push forward and to create the OpsMgr Data Warehouse. Again, an easy process. The tool DBCreateWizard.exe is used again here. Now the other DB is selected from the pull down menu:

    and soon this screen is shown:
  4. SCOM R2 RMS installation Now we have the two the OpsMgr DBs in place. So its time to install the RMS. Start the well known wizard and select the required options BUT deselect the OpsMgr DB:

    The rest is like any other SCOM R2 installation so I won’t repeat that.
  5. SCOM R2 Reporting installation With the SCOM R2 RMS in place, having made a valid backup of the Encryption Key and tested the correct working of the SCOM R2 Console it is time to install SCOM R2 Reporting.

    But before that, check the correct working of SQL Server Reporting Services by starting IE with elevated permissions and browse to http://localhost/reports. It might take a while but when all is OK this will be shown:

    Now we know SSRS is OK so this will not frustrate the installation of SCOM R2 Reporting. Start the well known wizard and select the required options BUT deselect the OpsMgr Data Warehouse:
  6. The rest is like any other SCOM R2 Reporting installation so I won’t repeat that.
  7. Installation of CU#3 Install CU#3 for SCOM R2 (do not forget the SQL scripts and to run ALL of them!) and load the MPs that are shipped with CU#3.
  8. Update the core MPs Update the core MPs of SCOM R2 and you have a nice SCOM R2 infrastructure based on SQL Server 2008 R2.
As with every installation, preparation is key here. And RTFM is also nice. When you do that you will install a new SCOM R2 environment based on SQL Server 2008 R2 quickly and without any snag.

Nov 2, 2010

System Center Operations Manager 2007 KB Article(s)

1) 10/30/2010 2028594  Description of System Center Operations Manager 2007 Cumulative Update 1

2) 11/1/2010 2288515  Troubleshooting gray agent states in System Center Operations Manager 2007 and System Center Essentials

3) 11/1/2010 2275658  Microsoft Advisory Services Engagement Scenario - Operations Manager 2007 Report Creation, Scheduling

4) 10/31/2010 2277825  Alerts may not get forwarded as expected via a connector in System Center Operations Manager 2007

5) 11/1/2010 2262476  Attempts to opening the System Center Operations Manager 2007 console fails with "The client has been disconnected from the server" exception

6) 10/30/2010 2010168  The system Center Operations Manager 2007 web console fails to open with "Error: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version="

7) 11/1/2010 2252943  Microsoft Advisory Services Engagement Scenario – Configuring Native Mode for Configuration Manager 2007

8) 6/21/2010 225294  Microsoft Advisory Services Engagement Scenario – Configuring Native Mode for Configuration Manager 2007

9) 10/30/2010 982501  The monitoring of SNMP devices may stop intermittently in System Center Operations Manager or in System Center Essentials

10) 5/19/2010 202753  New Management Server unable to get configuration in System Center Operations Manager 2007

11) 10/31/2010 982910  Microsoft Advisory Services Engagement Scenario - Monitoring agents in an untrusted domain or workgroup using Operations Manager 2007

12) 5/3/2010 201899  You get #Error message when using large XML datasets in SQL Reporting Services

13) 11/1/2010 981263  Management servers or assigned agents unexpectedly appear as unavailable in the Operations Manager console in Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008

14) 2/18/2010 201768  Operations Manager 2007 Management Group is not distributing new configuration to agents

15) 10/31/2010 979388  Alerts that are raised by the monitors should not be manually resolved in Operations Manager 2007
16) 11/1/2010 979387  The "Windows Operating System" column has a "Not monitored" state for a new agent

17) 10/31/2010 977574  Error message in Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 report: “The Dundas chart for Reporting Services report item is unavailable"

18) 10/31/2010 978359  E-mail notification messages are not sent when you use the "With specific text in description" option in Operations Manager 2007 R2 or in Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1

19) 10/31/2010 978357  A computer may be listed in the Agent Managed pane of the Operations console in System Center Operations Manager 2007 with the same name as the gateway server that was just installed

20) 10/31/2010 974254  A hotfix is available that fixes two issues with management packs in System Center Operations Manager 2007

21) 10/31/2010 976593  Error message when you use the SecureStorageBackup tool to restore encryption keys on a computer that is running Operations Manager 2007: "Invalid password!"

22) 10/31/2010 972881  The changes to the display name of a managed entity are not synchronized in the Operations Manager Data Warehouse database on a computer that is running System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1

23) 11/1/2010 975931  Recommendations for antivirus exclusions that relate to MOM 2005 and to Operations Manager 2007

24) 11/17/2009 200488  Upgrade to System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 fails with "An older version of Operations Manager 2007 that Setup cannot upgrade has been found on this computer"

25) 10/30/2010 971541  Description of System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 Update

26) 10/10/2009 200311  OpsMgr 2007: How to decommission a cluster monitored by System Center Operations Manager 2007

27) 10/30/2010 200262  OpsMgr 2007: Operations Console does not open and gives SDK service error

28) 10/31/2010 975439  You receive an HTTP Error 403 page when you access the Reporting Services virtual directory for System Center Operations Manager 2007 after you upgrade to Windows Server 2008

29) 11/1/2010 974722  Support for Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 in System Center Operations Manager 2007

30) 10/31/2010 975057  One or more management servers and their managed devices are dimmed in the Operations Manager Console of Operations Manager 2007
31) 10/30/2010 974886  Error message when you try to install System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 on Windows Server 2008: "Account Verification Error"

32) 10/31/2010 974051  Operations Manager 2007-based agents consume 100 percent of CPU resources for the Monitoringhost.exe process

33) 10/29/2010 973677  The Data Protection Manager 2007 console crashes when you try to perform the replica volume shrink operation

34) 10/31/2010 962967  Expected reports for installed management packs are not visible in the System Center Operations Manager 2007 Operations Console Reporting node

35) 10/31/2010 974098  Responses that are scheduled by the Operations Manager 2007 agent may not run at the specified time

36) 10/30/2010 959867  Management Pack cannot be specified for saving new override of monitor or rule in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 Operations console

37) 10/31/2010 970533  The Product Knowledge tab is displayed as the Company Knowledge tab after you import a Language Pack for System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1

38) 10/31/2010 972051  The DBCreateWizard tool of System Center Operations Manager 2007 fails on a Windows Server 2008-based computer that has the Windows Internal Database feature installed

39) 10/30/2010 959865  Issues that are resolved by the Operations Manager Module rollup update for System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1: June 10, 2009

40) 10/31/2010 972052  Installation of an agent fails if you have System Center Operations Manager 2007 management server installed on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003, and you try to push the installation of an agent to a computer that is running IPv6 only

41) 10/31/2010 968082  Error message when you add an agent assignment rule in the System Center Operations Manager 2007 if an Active Directory domain name begins with a numeric digit: "XSD verification failed for management pack"

42) 10/29/2010 971285  Opening the Operations Manager 2007 console may result in an error message after upgrading to R2

43) 10/31/2010 967843  The _PrimarySG_ security group is repopulated every hour even though the group's membership has not changed in System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1

44) 10/29/2010 961363  Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 may stop monitoring SNMP devices

45) 10/29/2010 969130  The size of the System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 Data Warehouse database may grow if many event collection rules exist within management packs
46) 10/31/2010 969573  System Center Operations Manager 2007 considers an object that contains a wildcard string to be a member of the group when a group uses a wildcard inclusion formula that targets a principal name

47) 10/30/2010 970219  OpsMgr 2007: Backup programs may fail to backup the event log when the 64-bit agent is installed

48) 10/31/2010 969572  Agent push installation fails when Operations Manager 2007 tries to read the PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable, and the PATH variable is over 1,024 characters

49) 11/1/2010 969571  Error message when you try to print the reports in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Web console: "Unable to load client print control"

50) 10/31/2010 970043  Error message when you try to access the Web console: "HTTP Error 401.2 – Unauthorized. You are not authorized to view this page due to invalid authentication headers"

51) 10/31/2010 970047  Deleting an application in the Operations Manager console may fail with verification errors

52) 11/1/2010 969569  Error message when you manually change an agent setting for System Center Operations Manager 2007 by using the Change option in Add or Remove Programs: "Microsoft ESENT Keys are required"

53) 10/30/2010 969788  OpsMgr 2007: "Fatal error during installation" error when uninstalling or installing the Agent if the Workstation service is disabled

54) 3/27/2009 969383  OpsMgr Cannot add Management Group after authentification failed once

55) 10/31/2010 969596  OpsMgr 2007: Files and Folders starting with "Program" causing unmonitored Agent

56) 11/1/2010 958254  You receive multiple "WMI Probe Module Failed Execution" alerts from Windows 2000-based computers after you install System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1

57) 10/30/2010 969270  OpsMgr R2: ProcessMonitor: Unwanted process & InstanceCount Monitor are not working correctly on Windows 2000

58) 11/1/2010 955523  Web console hotfix package for System Center Operations Manager 2007

59) 10/31/2010 963005  The Add Object Wizard displays only 500 objects even if more objects exist in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1

60) 10/30/2010 958490  Dependency monitors indicate an incorrect state on a System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1-based computer
61) 10/31/2010 968332  Error message when you try to perform a distributed installation of System Center Operations Manager 2007 Reporting service onto a server: "Cannot validate the account"

62) 10/30/2010 959497  The System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 SDK service may stop unexpectedly, and you may receive an error message: "Specified argument is out of the range of valid values"

63) 10/30/2010 960363  Charts in a performance report are incorrectly scaled, or a report that contains multiple charts does not display the charts in the correct order in System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1

64) 10/29/2010 967537  Frequent state changes on Operations Manager 2007 agents for computer objects may severely impact management server performance.

65) 10/29/2010 967503  Antivirus software blocks script execution in System Center Operations Manager 2007

66) 10/31/2010 957561  How to install the Web Console component of Operations Manager 2007 on a stand-alone server that is using Windows Authentication

67) 10/31/2010 954090  Objects that are displayed in a performance view are not scoped to the specified group when they are viewed in the Web Console of Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1

68) 10/31/2010 957562  How to configure the Operations Manager Connector Framework to use Security Sockets Layer (SSL) functionality in System Center Operations Manager 2007

69) 10/29/2010 956172  The CcmExec.exe process crashes on a Windows 2000-based computer if both a System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 agent and a System Center Configuration Manager 2007 client are installed on this computer

70) 10/31/2010 958253  When you try to view the Patch List property, the list of Operations Manager agent hotfixes may be truncated on System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 systems

71) 10/31/2010 951528  The Product Knowledge tab is empty when you open the properties for a rule in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1

72) 10/29/2010 961725  DBCreateWizard.exe fails with an Exception when run on a 64-bit OS

73) 10/29/2010 957566  The installation rolls back when you try to install a secondary management server in a management group on which a Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 Reporting server has been installed

74) 10/30/2010 957568  Support policy for System Center Operations Manager 2007 that is running on hardware virtualization software

75) 10/29/2010 960883  Modifications required to run the Web Console on a FIPS compliant server
76) 10/31/2010 957560  The System Center Operations Manager 2007 console crashes, and a NullReferenceException exception is generated

77) 10/31/2010 957565  You cannot reinstall the Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 management server role on a computer on which the role has been installed and removed

78) 11/1/2010 951529  System Center Operations Manager 2007 runs scripts in the Rule Name field or in the Description field

79) 10/29/2010 954329  An Audit Collection Service forwarder may be unable to retrieve the distinguished name for the ObjectGUID in the collected events in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1

80) 10/30/2010 957511  Warning alerts and warning monitor state changes do not occur as expected for a Web application that is created by using the Web application template in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1

81) 11/1/2010 954823  A custom event report does not display events that are generated by the generic CSV text log collection rules when Parameter 1 to Parameter 20 is included in the Report Field criteria in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1)

82) 10/30/2010 953817  The Administrator Console exits when you try to use the "Set Resolution State" option for an alert that is generated in System Center Operations Manager 2007

83) 10/29/2010 957135  You cannot change the alert resolution state of any alert in the Active Alerts view in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1

84) 10/29/2010 952857  The Custom Event Report does not list the GenericLog-type events in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1

85) 11/2/2010 957567  When you try to deploy a System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 agent, the Health Service does not start, and event ID 7024 is logged

86) 10/31/2010 957199  The System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 operations console cannot display English product knowledge when you open the properties dialog box of an alert: "No product knowledge was available for this Alert"

87) 10/31/2010 958170  Description of System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008

88) 10/31/2010 956471  Health Service problems occur when an active Root Management Server is targeted as an agent from other Management Groups

89) 10/31/2010 956444  Error message when you try to run a Service Level Dashboard report after you install Service Level Dashboard Management Pack for System Center Operations Manager 2007: "EXECUTE permission is denied on SL_Dashboard_DashboardGroupGet"

90) 10/30/2010 956689  A Run As account that is configured for proxy authentication in a Web application monitor is not used in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1
91) 10/30/2010 956423  The connection settings for connectors in tiered management groups are configured incorrectly after the OpsMgr SDK Service restarts in a System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 environment

92) 10/28/2010 956446  The e-mail notifications may contain garbled subject lines if you enable the "Generate subject line with no encoding" option in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1

93) 10/29/2010 954948  The audit collection service (ACS) fails when the ACS is configured for a grooming retention policy that is greater than 256 days in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1

94) 10/31/2010 956240  The SQL Server process may consume lots of CPU resources on the server that hosts the Operations Manager 2007 database after you make Operations Manager 2007 configuration changes

95) 10/31/2010 956184  Alerts are issued from the MOM Active Directory Management Pack after you install an Operations Manager 2007 SP1 agent over a MOM 2005 agent on a domain controller that is running a 64-bit version of Windows

96) 10/31/2010 954903  The Monitoringhost.exe process may consume all the CPU resources when a large amount of performance data is created by using a managed data source module in System Center Operations Manager 2007

97) 10/31/2010 952937  The relative date picker returns wrong dates when you run a report in a month that has less days than the previous month in System Center Operations Manager 2007

98) 10/31/2010 954049  Description of the hotfix rollup package for System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 and for System Center Essentials 2007 Service Pack 1: July 25, 2008

99) 10/31/2010 953141  Support for running System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 and System Center Essentials 2007 Service Pack 1 on a Windows Server 2008-based computer

100) 10/29/2010 951148  You cannot install Operations Manager 2007 Reporting if the SQL Server Reporting Services instance takes more than 60 seconds to start

101) 10/30/2010 954643  Event ID 31569 is logged after you install a management pack that includes reports on a System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 server or on a System Center Essentials 2007 SP1 server

102) 10/28/2010 951380  Some computer properties for a cluster node may not be collected by the discovery process in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1

103) 10/31/2010 951527  Modifications that you try to make to a Web application that was created before you upgrade Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 are not saved

104) 10/31/2010 951526  The Root Management Server (RMS) in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 becomes unstable or unusable after you import Dell Management Pack 3.1

105) 10/31/2010 951979  Problems occur on a management server that is running System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 when certain management packs are installed
106) 10/31/2010 947691  When you try to install a System Center Operations Manager 2007 agent on a workgroup computer without using a gateway server, Operations Manager 2007 cannot see the workgroup computer

107) 10/31/2010 949969  Some data partition tables that exceed the data retention period are not groomed from the Audit Collection Services database in Operations Manager 2007

108) 10/31/2010 953798  The OpsMgr Health Service does not start on SCOM 2007 running on Citrix server

109) 10/31/2010 950853  A memory leak occurs when you monitor Exchange Server 2007 by using the MOM 2007 agent in System Center Operations Manager 2007

110) 10/29/2010 950653  A software inventory operation does not work correctly in System Center Configuration Manager 2007 if the inventoried file has invalid time attributes

111) 10/31/2010 946428  The Health Service does not process configuration files, and events 7022 and 1220 are logged every 30 minutes on a domain controller on which you installed the Operations Manager 2007 agent

112) 10/29/2010 945312  The OpsMgr Health service may incorrectly display the health state of the cluster nodes in System Center Operations Manager 2007

113) 10/30/2010 949875  When you run a task in the System Center Operations Manager 2007 Operations Console on a Russian version of Windows Server 2003, the task outputs are displayed in corrupted text

114) 10/31/2010 949451  The ScheduleFilter module is removed from a rule in System Center Operations Manager 2007

115) 10/31/2010 949452  Event 4618 is logged when you use the AdtSetup.exe program to update an Audit Collection Services installation in System Center Operations Manager 2007

116) 10/31/2010 949454  Error message when you try to open a report from a link in the scheduled report e-mail notification in System Center Operations Manager 2007: "An internal error occurred on the report server"

117) 10/30/2010 949449  The Client Monitoring Configuration Wizard fails with an unknown error that occurs together with the 80FF002B code when you enable the client monitoring feature in System Center Operations Manager 2007

118) 10/30/2010 949455  System Center Operations Manager 2007 Reporting installation fails on a Windows Server 2008 computer if IIS 6.0 Management Compatibility is not installed

119) 10/30/2010 949453  The state calculation may be delayed when a new group or a distributed application is created in System Center Operations Manager 2007

120) 10/30/2010 946426  You are not prompted that a computer is shut down after the Maintenance Mode window expires in System Center Operations Manager 2007
121) 10/30/2010 949450  You cannot add required permissions to the share when you run the "fix permissions" task in System Center Operations Manager 2007

122) 10/30/2010 948559  AEM does not work when the management server action account is a low-permission account in System Center Operations Manager 2007

123) 10/31/2010 949448  Error message in System Center Operations Manager 2007 or in System Center Essentials 2007: "The setup wizard was interrupted before System Center Operations Manager 2007 could be installed" or "The client has been disconnected from the server"

124) 10/30/2010 946418  Error message when you install the System Center Operations Manager 2007 reporting feature: "SRS Server Validation Error"

125) 10/31/2010 949447  You may have to restart the computer when you install the security update that Microsoft Knowledge Base article 933579 describes

126) 10/31/2010 949446  The mouse pointer disappears and the mouse rotation operation is unpredictable in System Center Operations Manager 2007

127) 10/31/2010 946424  How to move the OperationsManager database from a computer that is running SQL Server 2005 to another computer that is running SQL Server 2005

128) 10/31/2010 946437  How to disable the use of certificates that are imported by using the MOMCertImport.exe tool in System Center Operations Manager 2007

129) 10/31/2010 946433  Description of the mode that GSM modems must support to work with SMS notifications in System Center Operations Manager 2007

130) 10/31/2010 948730  WMI does not work correctly after you install the Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 agent on a Dell computer

131) 10/31/2010 946435  Error message when you configure Agent Exception Monitoring to use a remote file share in System Center Operations Manager 2007: "A file share could not be created"

132) 10/31/2010 939606  Agent approval problems may occur when you run System Center Essentials 2007 in Service Provider mode

133) 10/31/2010 941045  User roles, accounts, and profiles are not translated into Japanese in the Japanese version of System Center Operations Manager 2007

134) 10/31/2010 943211  You cannot use Active Directory integration for untrusted domains in System Center Operations Manager 2007

135) 10/31/2010 942168  The Health service does not start after you install the RemotelyAnywhere program on the Root Management Server in System Center Operations Manager 2007
136) 10/31/2010 941017  The "Columns to display," "Sort columns by," and "Group items by text" values in the Inventory View properties are not localized in System Center Operations Manager 2007

137) 10/31/2010 948069  Error message when you try to run reports in System Center Operations Manager 2007: "Cannot open Database 'OperationsManagerDW' requested by the login"

138) 10/31/2010 939769  You experience a delay in fetching "Actions for Tasks" and "Actions for Reports" for a selected row in System Center Operations Manager 2007

139) 10/29/2010 941307  A health monitor may display state changes in an incorrect order in System Center Operations Manager 2007

140) 10/31/2010 938507  Report scheduling fails in System Center Operations Manager 2007 when the regional settings on the client computer differ from the regional settings on the server

141) 10/31/2010 940224  The Optimized Performance Counter Collection rule collects multiple values of 0 (zero) in System Center Operations Manager 2007

142) 10/31/2010 941943  The HealthServiceStore.edb file size grows to several gigabytes over time in an agent that is running System Center Operations Manager 2007

143) 10/30/2010 938510  You cannot obtain elevated user rights in management servers and in agents in System Center Operations Manager 2007 or System Center Essentials 2007 environments

144) 10/31/2010 941977  You receive error messages when you try to edit the Web application monitoring settings in System Center Operations Manager 2007

145) 10/31/2010 946434  When you select many items in any of the views, some action tasks that you typically expect may not be available in Operations Manager 2007

146) 3/31/2008 948096  SCOM 2007: Exchange MP Reports - "Top 100" Returns 'Blank'

147) 10/29/2010 948097  SCOM 2007: The CPU percentage Utilization monitors do not work on a Windows 2003 server.

148) 10/31/2010 948095  SCOM 2007 Exchange 2003 management pack: Exchange server cannot be detected as “back-end” server

149) 1/16/2010 948098  SCOM 2007: Gateway server is not working properly after installation.

150) 10/31/2010 946427  Even though you install the agent on the physical nodes of an SQL cluster, the cluster resource does not appear in the System Center Operations Manager 2007
151) 10/31/2010 946436  Error message when you use the Command Shell utility for the first time in System Center Operations Manager 2007: "Can not find Operations Manager Management Server name for current user"

152) 10/31/2010 946432  Registry entry names that contain a backslash character (\) are considered as part of the registry path when you use Registry probe

153) 10/31/2010 946429  Error message when you try to view the AD Domains topology view in System Center Operations Manager 2007

154) 10/31/2010 946422  The reporting console stops responding when you generate a report in System Center Operations Manager 2007 or in System Center Essentials 2007

155) 10/31/2010 946431  You do not see the additional alert criteria that you selected when you view the properties of a subscription in Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007

156) 10/31/2010 946420  The background color of a System Center Operations Manager 2007 report or of a System Center Essentials 2007 report may be black

157) 10/28/2010 946419  The System Center Operations Manager 2007 reporting feature and the System Center Essentials 2007 reporting feature do not work correctly when you configure SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services to run in SharePoint integrated mode

158) 10/31/2010 946421  The Root Management Server encryption key is unavailable after you replace or reinstall the Root Management Server server in Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007

159) 10/31/2010 946417  When you restart Root Management Server, the Health Service does not start in System Center Operations Manager 2007

160) 10/31/2010 946425  Error message when you try to remove the System Center Operations Manager 2007 database role: "Error 1324. The folder path 'Microsoft SQL Server' contains an invalid character"

161) 10/31/2010 945946  Event ID 2115 is logged, and a management server generates an "unable to write data to the Data Warehouse" alert in System Center Operations Manager 2007

162) 10/31/2010 943706  The MonitoringHost.exe process on the System Center Operations Manager 2007 root management server may consume more than 2 gigabytes of memory

163) 10/31/2010 944443  List of issues that are fixed in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 Release Candidate

164) 10/31/2010 941811  A memory leak occurs if an agent of the release version of Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 reports to System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 management servers

165) 2/4/2008 944346  SCOM Installation fails on 64 bit Windows Server
166) 10/31/2010 944347  SCOM Reporting installation fails when the DB name contains special characters
181) 10/29/2010 939799  The System Center Operations Manager 2007 agent is unable to restart the health service after its monitored thresholds are breached
(939799) - Fixes a problem in which the System Center Operations Manager 2007 agent does not restart the health service. Requires that you install a hotfix to resolve this problem.
182) 10/31/2010 935898  Error message when you try to access a Web page view in the System Center Operations Manager 2007 Web Console: "Requested value 'UrlViewType' was not found"

183) 10/31/2010 939585  Some SSL Monitoring monitors display an incorrect status or an incorrect name in System Center Operations Manager 2007

184) 11/2/2010 938994  The discovery process does not find computers that are present in your domain in Operations Manager 2007

185) 10/31/2010 938991  The SQL Server 2000 database engine health is not monitored in System Center Operations Manager 2007

186) 10/31/2010 939364  System Center Operations Manager 2007 cannot find some network devices by using the network device discovery process
(939364) - Fixes a problem where Operations Manager 2007 cannot discover some network devices, although these devices respond to the "GET" packets that the Snmputil.exe tool sends.
187) 10/31/2010 938997  Operations Manager 2007 Support Tools requirements

188) 10/31/2010 938996  Some System Center Operations Manager 2007 files and folders remain after you remove the agent from a client computer

189) 10/31/2010 938993  You cannot deploy an agent by using the Discovery and Installation Wizard in System Center Operations Manager 2007
(938993) - Describes a problem that may occur if the Automatic Updates service is disabled on the computer where you try to deploy the agent.
190) 10/31/2010 938988  You may be unable to delete a log file on a client computer in System Center Operations Manager 2007

191) 10/31/2010 938999  You cannot configure a rule or a monitor to target a computer group in the Operations Console in System Center Operations Manager 2007
(938999) - Describes an issue that occurs in System Center Operations Manager 2007. Specifically, a rule or a monitor that targets a computer group does not work as expected. A workaround is provided.
192) 10/31/2010 938998 Web application exceptions may unexpectedly appear as monitored Web service exceptions when you monitor a Web service in System Center Operations Manager 2007

193) 10/30/2010 938505  Some report information does not appear in Japanese in the Japanese version of System Center Operations Manager 2007

194) 10/31/2010 938990  A frame that you resize continues to move together with the mouse pointer in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Web Console

195) 10/31/2010 938626  The Entity Health monitor for an Operations Manager 2007 management server displays "Critical" together with a Health Service threshold setting
196) 10/29/2010 938989  Subscription notification objects in System Center Operations Manager 2007 may not be displayed correctly on a computer that uses a regional setting other than "English (United States)"

197) 10/31/2010 938992  Error message when you try to enable Active Directory integration for System Center Operations Manager 2007: "The binary form of an ACE object is invalid"

198) 10/31/2010 938627  When you try to install Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 Reporting, the installation is unsuccessful

199) 10/31/2010 937826  How to upgrade the 180-day evaluation version of System Center Operations Manager 2007 to the full product version

200) 10/31/2010 937292  Error message when you run the Operations Manager Prerequisite Viewer for the Server component: " is not registered in the global assembly cache"

201) 10/31/2010 936219  Error message when you try to install System Center Operations Manager 2007 Reporting: "The wizard was interrupted before Operations Manager 2007 could be installed"

202) 10/30/2010 936220  How to change the credentials for the OpsMgr SDK Service and for the OpsMgr Config Service in Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007
(936220) - Describes how to change the credentials that the OpsMgr SDK Service and the OpsMgr Config Service use. Also describes how to change the Management Server Action Account.
203) 10/31/2010 936579  The Operations Manager Audit Collection Service does not start and Event ID 4668 is logged after you install Audit Collection Server from a read-only source
(936579) - Describes a problem that occurs when the Read-only attribute is set on the AcsConfig.xml file. Provides two methods to work around this problem.
204) 10/31/2010 936221  The Run As Account that you create in System Center Operations Manager 2007 or in System Center Essentials 2007 does not run a task successfully
(936221) - Describes a behavior that occurs if you enter incorrect credentials for the Run As Account. The Create Run As Account Wizard does not verify the credentials that you specify when you create a Run As Account.
205) 10/31/2010 932812  When you try to install Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 or you try to install Microsoft System Center Essentials 2007, the Setup Welcome page appears to be empty

206) 10/31/2010 933987  Error message when you try to import a management pack by using the System Center Operations Manager 2007 Operations Console or the System Center Essentials Console: "OutOfMemoryException"

207) 10/31/2010 934759  The System Center Operations Manager 2007 Prerequisite Checker indicates that ASP.Net is not installed, even though Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 is installed

208) 10/31/2010 934758  A graphic that contains a red X may appear instead of an image after you perform a sort action in a Systems Operations Manager 2007 report

209) 10/31/2010 934760  Error message when you try to install a management agent in Operations Manager 2007: "Unknown error 0x80072971"

210) 10/31/2010 934757  Error message when you click Record after you start the Web Application Editor in Operations Manager 2007: "The requested lookup key was not found in any activation context"
211) 10/31/2010 934756  How to test notification settings after you configure e-mail notifications for a recipient or for a subscription in Operations Manager 2007

212) 9/23/2007 Q201016  SMS: All Senders Except Courier Sender Log to Sender.log (Q201016)
If Systems Management Server tracing is enabled, Systems Management Server components will log their activity to the Smsroot\Logs directory (Smsroot is the default installation directory for Systems Management Server). By default, all Syste