Apr 4, 2011

ConfigMgr Client IP Check Script

Troubleshooting client agent health issues at my current customer, I wanted to eliminate all of the stale systems from AD so I didn’t waste my time on them (and of course the customer was no real help here). I decided to write a script to take a list of systems, check if a forward and a reverse DNS entry exists and also compare the DNS reverse entry (if it exists) to the name of the system as specified in the list. Using these checks, I can now identify systems that probably don’t exist anymore and can be deleted from or disabled in Active Directory thus allowing ConfigMgr to be cleaned up.
Sample output:
Name           IP                  Reverse             Status
----           --                  -------             ------
xyz1             abc5                IP registered to another system
xyz2           -                   -                   Could not Resolve IP
xyz3             xyz3                OK
xyz4             -                   IP Address not found in reverse zone

Actual/exact interpretations of each of the categories is possibly subjective and based on the configuration of a particular environment but in general, IP registered to another system and Could not Resolve IP are indicative of stale systems. Recall that AD System Discovery also does a forward DNS lookup on systems before it creates a DDR on them so this script follows similar logic as the discovery; however, once the system is discovered, AD Discovery won’t remove it and thus this script. Also, AD discovery doesn’t do a reverse lookup because this may or may not be configured in any given environment.
The script is a PowerShell script and can be run on any system that can query the internal DNS. By default, it pulls the names of systems to check from a file called sys.txt in the same directory as the script; place each system name to query on a separate line.
And then, run it from a PowerShell command prompt. To output the results to a CSV, pipe the output of the script to the Export-Csv commandlet; e.g., .\IPCheck.ps1 | Export-Csv c:\IpCheckResults.csv
Download: IPCheck.zip

ConfigMgr Client Hotfix Queries

Client hotfixes in ConfigMgr has become an often discussed topic as of late mainly because of the pre-R3 hotfix (977384) required on all managed systems. Microsoft recently published a good KB on this titled System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Hotfix Installation Guidance. Near the bottom of this KB they added this small query to help build collections to target the client hotfixes:
select * from SMS_R_System
on SMS_G_System_SMS_ADVANCED_CLIENT_STATE.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId
where SMS_R_System.ClientType = 1 
and SMS_G_System_SMS_ADVANCED_CLIENT_STATE.Name = "CcmFramework" 
and (SMS_G_System_SMS_ADVANCED_CLIENT_STATE.Version < "4.00.6487.2012"

Unfortunately, this query is not specific to any particular hotfix and the hotfix KBs themselves do not list which component that they update – although they do list version numbers if you know what to look for.
So my task was clear, figure out what components get updated version numbers. First, I used this little query to pull back all of the component versions in the environment I am currently working in:
    AC.Name0, AC.Version0
GROUP BY AC.Name0, AC.Version0
And from there I was able to put together this little table for the following three client hotfixes (there aren’t a whole lot of client hotfixes so the table is short, but worth documenting and thus this blog post):
KB Component Version
977384 SmsPowerManagement 4.0.6487.2157
978754 SmsOSDeployment 4.0.6487.2115
2444668 SmsInventory 4.0.6487.2161
If you review the list of files affected in each of the above KBs, you will find the version numbers listed there although they are associated with files and not components in the KB.
Note that SmsPowerManagement does actually exist on the clients even if you haven’t installed 977384. This is because R3 functionality was actually shipped in SP2 and installing R3 merely enables it.
Clients with 977384 also have two other components bumped up in version:
Component Version
CcmFramework 4.0.6487.2155
SmsSoftwareDistribution 4.0.6487.2154
I can’t find the above version numbers publically documented anywhere though.
Using this info and the query you (and I) can now target or report on client hotfix deployment.

ConfigMgr 2007 Post-SP2 Hotfixes

Hotfixes, bug fixes, patches, or whatever you want to call them are an inevitability with any size of software project and ConfigMgr is no exception – if anyone disagrees then they have never written a line of code in their life. Here’s my current list of notable post SP2 hotfixes for ConfigMgr 2007:
KB Number Title
977203 1
User state migration fails on a SCCM 2007 SP1 client or on a SCCM 2007 SP2 client after you install security update 974571
Prerequisite hotfix for System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3
The Distribution Manager that is in System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 does not honor the "Number of retries" and "Delay before retrying (minutes)" retry settings
You cannot import a driver into an OSD image if the driver is signed for only the Windows 7 operating system in SCCM 2007 SP2
The second Search paths may not discovered when you enable the Active Directory System Discovery method or the Active Directory User Discovery method that runs on a System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 site server
The computer associations are not created by the import computer information wizard in SCCM 2007 Service pack 2
The "Backup ConfigMgr Site Server" task fails on a ConfigMgr 2007 site server
The handle count and memory usage of Smsexec.exe keeps increasing in System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2
A System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 site server randomly stops processing status messages
You cannot import a driver package into a System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 site if one or more driver files in the package are already imported into the site
The Active Directory system discovery process cannot detect a client if the DNS suffix of the client differs from its DNS domain name in System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2
Hotfix rollup for Asset Intelligence compatibility issues with new products in System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2: November 2010

1 977203 is superseded by 977384 but you still may need the certfix tool from 977203: KB977384 Supersedes KB977203.
2 Also has a client component
You must download each of the above updates directly from Microsoft via the hotfix request system; there are no direct links to them. Each KB contains a link near the top that takes you to the hotfix request page for that particular hotfix.

When I run updates on a site system, I always run them from a command-line for two reasons:
  1. UAC. Using UAC on a server is very debatable but if it is on, the only way (that I know of) to install an MSI elevated is to run an elevated command-prompt and then execute the MSI from there. Note that although you can (shift-)right-click on an MSI and get the Run As options, these don’t actually effect the execution of msiexec.
  2. To enable logging. I always watch the log while installing updates because each update shuts down services including ConfigMgr services, WMI, and other dependent services (each update shuts down slightly different things). Sometimes, the services can’t be stopped for whatever reason. I have seen WMI fail to shutdown and then immediately re-run the update and it shuts down fine. I have also seen dependent services fail to be shut down and have to be manually “killed”; most notably Trend Micro anti-virus. Without watching the log (using Trace32 of course) I wouldn’t know why the update is getting stuck. The command-line for this is simply the following:
msiexec /I filename.msi /l*v filename.log /q
On new installations, I place all of the updates into a single folder and use a script (run from the same folder as the hotfixes) to kick each one off and then kick off trace32 automatically:
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /b *.msi') DO (
start /D %~dp0 /B msiexec /I %%G /l*v %%G.log /q
ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ConfigMgr 2007 Toolkit V2\Trace32.exe" "%~dp0%%G.log"
The script iterates over each MSI in the folder and does the following (for each):
  1. Echoes the MSI name
  2. Runs the MSI in a separate, new command shell and creates the log file
  3. Waits for 1 second (there is no batch file wait or sleep command but the ping command does the trick nicely)
  4. Launches trace32 automatically loading the log file from the current MSI so that you can watch it (make sure that you modify the path of for Trace32 for your installation)
  5. Waits for trace32 to exit before it goes to the next MSI
To my knowledge, all of the above updates are completely independent of one another and have never found a reason to order them any particular way during installation; the script will run them in normal command-shell directory sort order.

Custom Software Update Compliance Report for ConfigMgr 2007

Had a special request recently to create a custom compliance report based on the selection of a software update list and collection name.  Besides the columns shown below, other fields added to the report were security patch results, URL to the technical bulletin and collection id.
We named it 'Compliance 10 - Update list (per collection)'
It turns out that it was not a trivial undertaking, as it required a sub-query to get the results we needed. The results are shown here:

Base report query, with prompts:
-- final report SQL compliance report 10
declare @AuthListLocalID as int
select @AuthListLocalID=CI_ID from v_AuthListInfo where CI_UniqueID=@AuthListID
select CI_UniqueID as AuthorizationListID,
Title as AuthorizationListName
from v_AuthListInfo where CI_UniqueID=@AuthListID
m.Name0 as ComputerName0,
ui.ArticleID as ArticleID,
ui.BulletinID as BulletinID,
ui.Title as Title,
-- ucs.Status,
case ucs.Status
when 1 then 'NotRequired'
when 3 then 'Installed'
else 'Unknown'
END as Status,
@CollID as CollectionID
-- ui.CI_UniqueID
from v_Update_ComplianceStatusAll ucs
join v_UpdateInfo ui on ucs.CI_ID=ui.CI_ID
join v_ClientCollectionMembers cm on cm.ResourceID=ucs.ResourceID
join v_R_System m on m.ResourceType=5 and m.ResourceID=ucs.ResourceID and isnull(m.Obsolete0,0)<>1
left join v_RA_System_SMSAssignedSites asite on m.ResourceID=asite.ResourceID
where ui.CI_UniqueID IN
select UniqueUpdateID=ui.CI_UniqueID
from v_CIRelation cir
join v_UpdateInfo ui on cir.ToCIID = ui.CI_ID
left join v_CITargetedCollections col on col.CI_ID=ui.CI_ID and col.CollectionID=@CollID
join v_UpdateSummaryPerCollection us on us.CI_ID=ui.CI_ID and us.CollectionID=@CollID
where cir.FromCIID=@AuthListLocalID and cir.RelationType=1
and cm.CollectionID=@CollID
order by m.Name0
-- End SQL query for primary report
if (@__filterwildcard = '')
select distinct CI_UniqueID as AuthListID, Title as Title from v_AuthListInfo order by Title
select distinct CI_UniqueID as AuthListID, Title as Title from v_AuthListInfo
where ((CI_UniqueID like @__filterwildcard) or
(Title like @__filterwildcard))
order by Title
if (@__filterwildcard = '')
select CollectionID as CollectionID, Name as CollectionName from v_Collection order by Name
select CollectionID as CollectionID, Name as CollectionName from v_Collection
WHERE CollectionID like @__filterwildcard or Name like @__filterwildcard
order by Name

Configuring SQL Reporting Services user permission for Configuration Manager 2007

Using SQL Reporting Services is really a “blast”. If you want to use the reporting feature with Configuration Manager 2007 R2 (and you do!), you need to configure a few accounts, groups and configure permissions. In this post I assume that SQL Reporting Services is installed and configured.

Accounts to be created

  • Execution Account (Configured in the SQL Reporting Services manager)
    • The EA is used by SRS to execute reports used for subscribtions. The account should be a low privilige account that has:
      • Read access to all reports
    • Open a browser and type SQLReportingSername/Reports
    • Click Properties
    • Click New Role Assignment
    • Fill in the domain\account name and select the Browser role
    • Click OK to finish the configuration
  • Dataset Authentication Account (configured in the Config Mgr. console)
    • A SQL login and db_datareader user mapping to the Configuration Manager database.
    • To assign the correct permission to the account open SQL Studio Management.
    • Select Security, Logins

    • Right click Login and select New User

    • Click Search and add the domain account. Select the SMS_Sitecode as the default database and click OK

    • Right click the new Login name and select Properties.
    • Select User mapping. Select the SMS_sitecode database and map the user to the DB_datareader.

    • Click OK and close SQL
    • Open the Configuration Manager console.
    • Navigate to Computer Management, Reporting, Reporting Services, Servername.
    • Right click the reporting services server and select Properties.
    • In Data source settings type the database servername (and instance if needed) and the name of the SMS_sitecode database.

    • Select Data Source Authentication and select Credentials stored securely in the report server. Fill in the data source authentication account like domain\account. Select Use as windows credentials when connecting to the data source.

    • Click OK 
The same account can be used as both Execution and Data source authentication. The permissions in this example also enables the account to be used for subscription purposes.

Groups to be created

  • Reporting Viewers
    • Members who have read access to the reports. Add the group to the SQL Reporting Services Browser role as described earlier in the post..
  • Reporting Administrators
    • Members who can publish reports, create subscriptions etc. Select all the roles in the New role assignment.

Easy setup of SRS with SCCM R2

SQL Reporting Services Reporting

The SQL Server Reporting services product is a reporting platform that provides advanced reporting functionality currently not available in the existing Config Manager reporting solution. Building the Config Manager reporting solution on this platform enables advanced reporting scenarios for the Config Manager administrator and enables future extensions and improvements to further enhance the Config Manager product from a reporting perspective.
Config Manager 2007 R2 with SQL Reporting Services Integration enables rich reporting and advanced information gathering and delivery for current and future configuration management releases, by providing rich reports highlighting the strengths of the product to executive level audiences and enable the Config Manager administrator to perform their job more effectively.
SQL Reporting Services Integration is being added as a reporting solution for Configuration Manager 2007 R2 to accomplish the following goals:

  • Provide best in class reporting capability by integrating SQL Reporting Services, with the leading change and configuration management product: SCCM 2007
  • Enable Ad-hoc reporting - Make it easy for both SCCM administrators, and non administrators to find the information they need to make the right decisions for their business
  • Integrate core SRS functionality without requiring significant changes to the Configuration Manager product
  • Assist customers by migrating both existing reports and customer generated custom reports to the SRS solution
  • Integrate Reporting Services side by side with the existing Configuration Manager reporting solution, so customers can slowly migrate to the SRS solution
  • Implement a new Reporting Services Point that can be added as a site role to an existing or new SCCM Site System that has SQL Reporting Services already installed
  • Support alternative databases as the reporting database, such as a replicated or backup database
  • Provide ability to convert out of the box classic SCCM reports and to convert customer- generated reports to SQL Server reports.
  • Allow custom report creation via a report authoring wizard.
  • Enable report browsing and viewing via the SRS Report Viewer.
  • Take advantage of rendering in all supported SRS formats, report caching, and subscriptions.

Planning for SQL Reporting Services

The following considerations should be taken into account when configuring the Configuration Manager 2007 R2 SQL Reporting Services feature.
Location of SQL Reporting Services Installation - Configuration Manager 2007 R2 supports locating the SQL reporting server on the site server or a remote computer. However, for performance reasons, you should locate the SQL reporting server and the reporting services point on a remote site system.
Unattended Report Processing Account - If you intend to allow report subscriptions, you must configure an execution account to allow these to run unattended. This account must be a Windows user account. If you configure this account with a password expiry date, or if you change its information in Active Directory, you must also update this information in Reporting Services. You should set read-only permissions to reports for this account.
Credentials Options when Configuring the Connection to the Configuration Manager Database - Use the option, Credentials are not required in the Report Server Properties: Data Source Authentication Tab for testing purposes only. This setting is not recommended for a production environment.
Best Practices for SQL Reporting Services
Optimize SQL Reporting Services Queries - Optimize your report queries. Usually, the bulk of report execution time is spent executing queries and retrieving results. If you are using SQL Server, tools such as Query Analyzer and Profiler can help you optimize queries.
Report Subscription Scheduling - Whenever possible, schedule report subscription processing to run outside of normal office hours. This will reduce load on the reporting server and improve availability for ad-hoc report requests.
Prerequisites for SQL Reporting Services
SQL Reporting Services in Configuration Manager 2007 R2 has external dependencies and dependencies within the product.
The following table describes the external dependencies for SQL Reporting Services running in Configuration Manager 2007.
Dependency More Information
A SQL Reporting Services reporting server must be installed and configured in the site hierarchy. Before you can use SQL Reporting Services integration in Configuration Manager 2007 R2, you must configure reporting services on a SQL Server installation in your network.
For more information about installing and configuring SQL Reporting Services, visit the SQL Reporting Services Web site at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=111840.
SQL Reporting Services requires Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 or later for the Reporting Services Web Site. For more information about installing Internet Information Services, see your Windows Server documentation.
Computers running Windows Server 2008 require further configuration of Internet Information Services to operate as sccmshortname site systems.
The following table describes the dependencies within Configuration Manager 2007 for running SQL Reporting Services.
Dependency More Information
The site server must be running Configuration Manager 2007 R2. SQL Reporting Services requires Configuration Manager 2007 R2.
Reporting services point site system role. The reporting services point site system role must be configured before you can use SQL Reporting Services.

Configuring Microsoft SQL Server for SQL Reporting Services

Before you can use SQL Reporting Services integration in Configuration Manager 2007 R2, you must configure reporting services on a SQL Server installation in your network. The following steps will allow you to install the SRS Component of SQL:
1. From the installation media you used to install SQL Server 2005, run setup.exe to launch the SQL Server Setup Wizard.
2. Accept the end user license agreement, then click Next.
3. Review the Installing Prerequisites page, and click Next.
4. After SQL Server setup performs a configuration check, the Welcome page of the SQL Server Installation Wizard is displayed. Click Next.
5. Review the results of the system configuration check to identify any problems that may prevent the configuration of SQL Server from completing successfully. Click Next.

If you receive an Edition Change Check warning message, you must reapply any previously applied SQL Server Service Packs after you have finished configuring the software.
6. On the Registration Information page, enter your name, company name and product key, then click Next.
7. On the Components to Install page, make sure that Reporting Services is selected, then click Next.
8. On the Instance Name page, specify a name for the instance of SQL Server you are upgrading. If you are upgrading the default instance of SQL Server, select the Default instance check box, then click Next.
9. On the Service Account page, specify the account details that the reporting services service will use to log in. Check the Reporting Services check box to start the reporting services service after setup completes. Click Next to continue.
10. On the Report Server Installation Options page, verify that the option Install but do not configure the server is selected, then click Next.
11. On the Error and Usage Report Settings page, select whether you want to inform Microsoft of any error and usage data for SQL Server, then click Next.
12. On the Ready to Install page, review the information shown, then click Install.
13. After installation is complete, click Next.
14. On the Completing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup page, review any information shown, and click Finish to close the wizard.
15. If you need to reapply the Service Pack, please do so at this time before moving on to the next section.

Configuring SQL Reporting Services in SQL Server 2005

1. From the Windows Start menu, navigate to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 / Configuration Tools, then click Reporting Services Configuration.
2. In the Report Server Installation Instance Selection dialog box, specify the name of the server hosting SQL Reporting Services, select the database instance from the drop-down menu, and then click Connect.
3. In Reporting Services Configuration Manager, click Server Status. Verify that Service Status is set to Running. If it is not, click Start, and then click Apply.
4. Click Report Server Virtual Directory, and then click New to specify a new virtual directory.
5. In the Create a New Virtual Directory dialog box, select Default Web Site from the Website drop-down list, and specify the name you want to call the virtual directory created by Reporting Services (or use the default ReportServer), then click OK.
6. Ensure that Apply default settings is selected, then click Apply.
7. Click Report Manager Virtual Directory, and then click New to specify a new virtual directory.
8. In the Create a New Virtual Directory dialog box, select Default Web Site from the Website drop-down list, and specify the name you want to call the Report Manager virtual directory created by Reporting Services (or use the default Reports), and then click OK.
9. Ensure that Apply default settings is selected, then click Apply.
10. Click Web Service Identity. If you do not want to change the defaults in this section, click Apply.
11. Click Database Setup, select a server from the Server name drop-down list, and then click Connect.
12. In the SQL Server Connection Dialog dialog box, specify the SQL Server name and connection details for the Reporting Services server, then click OK.
13. On the Database Connection page of Configure Report Server, click New.
14. In the SQL Server Connection Dialog dialog box, specify a name for the new Reporting Services database (or use the default, ReportServer), then click OK.
15. Click Apply to complete configuration of the new database.
16. Click Email Settings. Specify the following information:

If you do not want to use report subscriptions, you do not need to complete this step.
Sender Address: Specifies the email address that will appear as the sender address of any email sent from SQL Reporting Services. The account specified must have sufficient permissions to send email from the specified SMTP server.
Current Delivery Method: Specifies that the delivery method used to send emails will be via. SMTP server. This is the only delivery method you can configure through reporting services configuration. For details about configuring other delivery methods, see the SQL Reporting Services documentation.
SMTP Server: Specify the name of the SMTP server to use when sending reports. This can be a local or remote server.
17. Click Apply.
18. Click Execution Account. Specify the domain\username and password of a Windows user account that will be used to run unattended reports, for example those used by subscriptions. Click Apply.

If you do not want to use report subscriptions, you do not need to complete this step.
19. Click Apply, and then click OK.
20. Click Exit to close Reporting Services Configuration Manager.

Creating a Reporting Services Point for SQL Reporting Services

Before you can use SQL Reporting Services in Configuration Manager 2007, you must configure a reporting services point. The reporting services point is a site system role that must be configured on a server running Microsoft SQL Server with the Reporting Services component installed.
Use the following procedure to create a reporting services point on a Configuration Manager 2007 site system computer.
1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Site Management / - / Site Settings / Site Systems.
2. Determine whether to create a new site system or add the reporting services point site role to an existing site system, and then follow the associated step.
To create a new site system and add the reporting services point role:
Right-click Site Systems, click New, and then click Server.
On the General page of the New Site Role Wizard, specify the name of the server that will be used to host the reporting services point.
To add the reporting services point role to an existing site system:
□ Right-click the site system name, and click New Roles.
3. On the General page of the New Site Role Wizard, configure the general settings for this site system, then click Next. Click Next.
4. On the System Role Selection page of the wizard, select Reporting Services point, then click Next.
5. On the Reporting Services Point page, specify the folder that will be created on the report server to contain the SQL Reporting Services reports used in Configuration Manager and then click Next.

The folder will not be created on the report server until you create reports or copy reports into SQL Reporting Services.
6. Review the information shown on the Summary page, then click Next.
7. Click Close to exit the wizard.

Configuring Properties for the Reporting Services Point

Before you can begin to generate reports in the Configuration Manager 2007 R2 console using SQL Reporting Services, you must configure properties for the reporting services point.
Use the following procedure to configure the reporting services point.
1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Reporting / Reporting Services, and expand the node.
2. Right-click the reporting services point server you want to configure, then click Properties.
3. On the General tab of the Report Server Properties dialog box, review information about the currently selected report server.

Information about the report folder will only be shown after you have created a new report or copied existing reports to this report server.
4. On the Data Source Settings tab of the Report Server Properties dialog box, specify the Configuration Manager 2007 database server and database name to be used as the data source for SQL Reporting Services reports. Click the test button to verify that you have correct data entered.
5. On the Data Source Authentication tab of the Report Server Properties dialog box, specify the credentials used to access reports on the report server.
6. On the Data Source Security tab of the Report Server Properties dialog box, specify permissions for the users who have access to the data source specified in the Data Source Settings tab.
7. On the Security tab of the Report Server Properties dialog box, specify the users who have access to the selected report server.
8. Click OK to close the Report Server Properties dialog box.

Copying standard Configuration Manager reports to Reporting Services

In Configuration Manager 2007 R2, standard reports can be copied to a folder on a Reporting Services server by using the Copy Reports to Reporting Services Wizard. Use the following procedure to copy existing Configuration Manager reports to Reporting Services.
Use the following steps to copy standard Configuration Manager reports to Reporting Services.
1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Reporting / Reporting Services Reporting.
2. Right-click the Reporting Services server that the standard reports will be copied to, then click Copy Reports to Reporting Services.
3. On the Data Source Settings page of the Copy Reports Wizard, specify the Configuration Manager 2007 database server and database name from which to copy the reports.
4. Click Next.
5. On the Data Source Authentication page of the Copy Reports Wizard, choose the authentication method required to run the copied reports on the reporting point server.
6. Click Next.
7. On the Select Reports page of the Copy Reports Wizard, select the reports you want to copy to the reporting services point. Select Overwrite existing reports if you want to overwrite any reports that already exist on the reporting services point.
8. Click Next.
9. On the Security page of the Copy Reports Wizard, specify which users can access the copied reports and the roles they must belong to. For more information about the options on this page, see Report Server Properties: Security Tab.
10. Click Next.
11. On the Summary page of the Copy Reports Wizard, review the reports that will be created, and then click Next.
12. After the reports are copied, click Next.
13. On the Confirmation page of the Copy Reports Wizard, review the information, and then click Close to exit the wizard.

If a report fails to import, it will be indicated by a red cross. Double-click the entry to open the Details dialog box, which lists details of the error in copying the report.