Feb 18, 2011

Removing a retired DP from all your packages

When you remove an SMS 2003 Distribution Point (DP) from a site, and existing packages have been distributed to this DP, those packages may not be removed.  If you look at that package in the admin console you will notice that the the type has changed from "Server" to "Unknown".  The Package Status will also show a type of nothing instead of "Server".
To properly remove these you can use the Manage Distribution Points Wizard to uncheck the DP before removing it as a site system.  This can be a tedious task if you have hundreds or thousands of packages.  An alternative to doing this manually is to use the SDK.  I have attached a script that automates this task.  Note, the script does validate whether your DP still exists.  If you have already removed the DP as a site system and want to clean it up then you will have to remove the call to ValidDP().  Take note that if you do this then Distribution Manager will attempt to remove the package files from the DP so if it doesn't exist on the network then you will get errors in the distmgr.log and Distribution Manager component.

'Rslaten 03/2005

On Error Resume Next

WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo "SMSDPClean v1.3"
WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript.exe SMSDPClean "
WScript.Echo "Example: cscript.exe SMSDPClean.vbs myCentralSiteServer myDistributionPoint"
WScript.Echo ""

Dim SMSSiteServer, SMSNameSpace, oLocator, oServices, bDone

'Get Args, add error checking here if needed
SMSSiteServer = WScript.Arguments(0)
DP = WScript.Arguments(1)

'Get SMS namespace
SMSNameSpace = GetSMSNameSpace(SMSSiteServer)

'Connect to SMS namespace
Set oLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set oServices = oLocator.ConnectServer(SMSSiteServer, SMSNameSpace,,,,,128)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error connecting to " &SMSNameSpace& " on " &SMSSiteServer& ": " &Err.Number
Set oLocator = Nothing
Set oServices = Nothing
End If

'Call main procedure

'Loop until async task is done
Do While not bDone
WScript.Sleep 1000

Set oLocator = Nothing
Set oServices = Nothing

'GetSMSNameSpace Function

Function GetSMSNameSpace(SiteServer)
On Error Resume Next
colNameSpaceQuery, refitem, refWMI
Set refWMI = GetObject("winMgmts:\\" &SiteServer&"\root\sms")
If Err.number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error connecting to SMS namespace on " &SiteServer
End If
colNameSpaceQuery = refWMI.ExecQuery("select * from SMS_ProviderLocation")
For Each refitem in colNameSpaceQuery
GetSMSNameSpace = refitem.NamespacePath
Set colNameSpaceQuery = Nothing
Set refitem = Nothing
Set refWMI = Nothing
End Function

'ValidDP Function

Function ValidDP(DP, SiteCode)
On Error Resume Next
SysRes, start, finish, tempDP
ValidDP = False
Set SysRes = oServices.ExecQuery("select * from sms_sci_sysresuse where SiteCode = '" &SiteCode& "'")
For each res in SysRes
start = InStr(res.NALPath,"=\\") + 3
finish = InStr(res.NALPath,"]MSWNET") - 2
tempDP = mid(res.NALPath,start,finish-start)
If (UCase(tempDP) = UCase(DP)) and (res.RoleName = "SMS Distribution Point") Then
Set SysRes = Nothing
ValidDP = True
Exit Function
End If

Set SysRes = Nothing
End Function

'PackageLoop SubRoutine

Sub PackageLoop
On Error Resume Next
sinkcol, retValuecol
bDone = False
Set sinkcol = wscript.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemSink","SINKCOL_")
retValuecol = oServices.ExecQueryAsync(sinkcol,"SELECT * FROM SMS_DistributionPoint")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error running query:" &err.description
End If
End Sub
SINKCOL_OnObjectReady(objDP, objAsyncContext)
On Error Resume Next
start, finish, tempDP
start = InStr(objDP.ServerNALPath,"=\\") + 3
finish = InStr(objDP.ServerNALPath,"]MSWNET") - 2
tempDP = mid(objDP.ServerNALPath,start,finish-start)
If UCase(tempDP) = UCase(DP) Then
WScript.Echo "Found " &DP& " on "& objDP.SiteCode& " linked to package " &objDP.PackageID
If ValidDP(DP, objDP.SiteCode) Then
WScript.Echo "Validated " &DP& " for site " &objDP.SiteCode
If Err.number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Failed to delete " &DP& " from package " &objDP.PackageID& " on site " &objDP.SiteCode
WScript.Echo "Error = " &Err.number& " - " &Err.Description
WScript.Echo "Successfully deleted " &DP& " from package " &objDP.PackageID& " on site " &objDP.SiteCode
End If

WScript.Echo DP& " is not specified as a distribution point on site " &objDP.SiteCode
End If
End If
End Sub
SINKCOL_OnCompleted(iHResult, objErrorObject, objAsyncContext)
bDone = True
End Sub

Feb 16, 2011

SMS/SCCM Command-line Actions

WMIC is a very powerful but rarely used tool to manage WMI from Command-line and it's part of the Operating-system since WindowsXP.... !

Some examples to trigger SMS/SCCM Client Actions from command line:

Disable Software-Distribution:
WMIC /namespace:\\root\ccm\policy\machine\requestedconfig path ccm_SoftwareDistributionClientConfig CREATE ComponentName="Disable SWDist",Enabled="false",LockSettings="TRUE",PolicySource="local",PolicyVersion="1.0" ,SiteSettingsKey="1" /NOINTERACTIVE

Re-Activate Software-Distribution:
WMIC /namespace:\\root\ccm\policy\machine\requestedconfig path ccm_SoftwareDistributionClientConfig WHERE ComponentName="Disable SWDist" delete /NOINTERACTIVE

Trigger Hardware Inventory:
WMIC /namespace:\\root\ccm path sms_client CALL TriggerSchedule "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}" /NOINTERACTIVE

Trigger Software Inventory:
WMIC /namespace:\\root\ccm path sms_client CALL TriggerSchedule "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002}" /NOINTERACTIVE

Trigger DataDiscoverRecord (DDR) update:
WMIC /namespace:\\root\ccm path sms_client CALL TriggerSchedule "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003}" /NOINTERACTIVE

Force a FULL HW Inventory on next HW-Inv Schedule:
WMIC /namespace:\\root\ccm\invagt path inventoryActionStatus where InventoryActionID="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}" DELETE /NOINTERACTIVE

Repair SMS/SCCM Agent on a remote client:
WMIC /node:%MACHINE% /namespace:\\root\ccm path sms_client CALL RepairClient

Repair a list (all clients listed in clients.txt) of remote SMS/SCCM Agents:
WMIC /node:@clients.txt /namespace:\\root\ccm path sms_client CALL RepairClient