Feb 23, 2011

SMS Site Component Manager failed to reinstall this component on this site system

Компонент SMS_SITE_SQL_BACKUP может ежечасно сыпать ошибкой ID 1020:
SMS Site Component Manager failed to reinstall this component on this site system.
Solution: Review the previous status messages to determine the exact reason for the failure. SMS Site Component Manager will automatically retry the reinstallation in 60 minutes. To force SMS Site Component Manager to immediately retry the reinstallation, stop and restart SMS Site Component Manager using the SMS Service Manager.

Решение было найдено здесь.
В папке с установленным SCCM 2007 (по умолчанию это C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\) находим файл install.map, открываем его блокнотом и ищем следующие строки:

        FILE <1><значение>

 и меняем на
        FILE <1><значение>
    FILE <0><вес файла>

где вес файла - объём файла srvboot.exe. Объём файла может отличаться от версии SCCM к версии. У меня SP2 R3, поэтому файл весит 333664:

Перезупаскаем службу SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER, после чего ошибка пропадает:

Installing Opalis 6.3

Useful Resources:

Opalis Blog – http://blogs.technet.com/b/opalis/p/opalis_resources.aspx
Technet – http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/ff630946.aspx
Charles Joy – video on installing Opalis – http://blogs.technet.com/b/charlesjoy/archive/2011/01/07/installing-opalis-integration-server-6-3-video-tutorial.aspx
My Test System

Windows 2008 x64 with .Net Framework 3.5
SQL 2008 with SP1

  1. Make sure account doing the install has local windows administrator rights on the Opalis Integration Server and SQL permissions to create the Opalis database
  2. Create a domain user account and make it a local windows administrator on the Opalis server. Also, make sure it has the log on as a service right. I have found that the installer doesn’t always seem to assign this right automatically.
  3. Download the evaluation of Opalis and extract the download – you’ll find 3 folders which are also zipped. Unzip these as well.
  4. If you have 6.2.2 then you’ll need to run the SP1 upgrade. I’ll assume here that we are doing a clean install.
  5. While we are here, we should extract the licenses document – this is a word doc that contains the licenses for Opalis. We’ll need to copy and paste these into the install wizard later.
  6. Install 6.2.2.
  7. Download console files
  8. Deploy console 

Install the Opalis Integration Server

  1. Install Management Server
  2. Run Setup from the extracted 6.22_6.2.2.5229 folder
  3. Choose Install Opalis Integration Server
  4. Choose Install the Management Server
  5. Run through the Management Server wizard
  6. Accept the license
  7. Enter User Information

  8. Choose Destination Folder
  9. Enter Service Account Information
  10. Click Next to install
  11. Click Finish to complete
  12. Configure the Data Store
  13. Choose Configure the Data Store
  14. Choose SQL Server Database
  15. Type in the name of the SQL Server that will host the Opalis database
  16. Create a new database and click Finish
  17. Hopefully you’ll see this ;-)
  18. Import Licenses
  19. Choose Import a License
  20. The next stage isn’t the most intuitive. You need the license key from the Opalis Eval Product Licenses.docx (remember to include the {} brackets). And you’ll also to browse to the license file – OpalisIntegrationServer_180DAY_EVAL.lic – once this is done, you should see this. Click Close
  21. We’ll import the Integration Packs Later.
  22. Exit the installer
At this stage click EXIT – we do not want to install the client.

Run the Foundation Objects installer

  1. Extract the Opalis 6.3 folder and then browse to the Opalis Integration Server. You’ll see 3 files here.
  2. Open the Management Server installation folder on the Opalis Server. By default, this is located in System Drive: Program Files\Opalis Software\Opalis Integration Server\Management Service. Browse to the Components\Objects folder.
  3. Copy the OpalisIntegrationServer_FoundationObjects.msi file provided from the download (step 1) to the System Drive:\Program Files (x86)\Opalis Software\Opalis Integration Server\Management Service\Components\Objects directory. Replace the existing file.
  4. Run the OpalisIntegrationServer_ManagementService_630_PATCH.msp installer.
Deploy an Action Server

  1. Click Run, click Programs, click Opalis Software, click Opalis Integration Server, and then click Deployment Manager. Deploy the action servers and clients.
  2. Right click Action Servers and choose Deploy New Action Server
  3. Enter the Action Server Account details. Make sure this account has database owner rights on the Opalis database.
  4. Select any integration packs you want to deploy (we won’t have any listed as we haven’t imported them yet).
  5. Confirm the information and click Finish
  6. The installation can take a few minutes – great opportunity for a coffee break!
Deploy Client

  1. In the Deployment Manager console, right click Clients and deploy new client.
  2. State the computers onto which you want to deploy the client.
  3. State any Integration Packs you want to deploy and then click Finish.
  4. Run the client patch from:

That is core product installed. Future instalments will cover:
  • Deploying the Operator Console
  • Importing Integration Packs
  • Creating Workflows