Aug 24, 2011

WSUS failed to sync some of the updates

I came across an issue where I was noticing errors in the SMS_WSUS_SyncUpdates Component. Every time the synchronization ran for windows updates, I would get the following:
SMS WSUS Synchronization failed.

Message: Failed to sync some of the updates.
Source: Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WSyncAction.WSyncAction.SyncUpdates.

This typically has to do with the EULA agreement with some updates. This error should clear up at the next synchronization. However in this case it did not.
Trying a reboot of the server, SCCM Services, WSUS did not help. This was happening with a handful of updates.
To resolve this issue:
I also added the network services account to the root of the WSUS folder as it was missing.
Next I ran a wsustuil -reset
I also uninstalled the SUP role, waited about 5 minutes then reinstalled the role. I then kicked off a synchronization which ran a full synchronization again.
I monitored the wsyncmgr.log file to ensure the updates are synchronizing.

It took some time to do the full synchronization but it completed successfully without reproducing the synchronization errors.

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