Aug 18, 2011

Of duplicate computer accounts in SCCM

Recently wrote a little script that deletes duplicate computer accounts in SCCM. This is because I have included the addition of computers from AD

#Region Description
# Name       : remove-DuplicateComputers.ps1
# Version    : 1.0
# Web        :
# Date       : 21-12-2010  
# Description: Find duplicate computer objects to SCCM and delete
#Region Functions
$sSQL="select T.Name0, T.CountName
from (select dbo.v_R_System.Name0, count(*) as CountName
from dbo.v_R_System
Group By dbo.v_R_System.Name0 ) as T
where T.CountName > 1
$adoSQL= New-Object -ComObject  ADODB.Connection
$rsSheet= New-Object -ComObject ADODB.Recordset
 while (!$rsSheet.EOF){
  $ArrayComps+=@{Name=$rsSheet.Fields.Item("Name0").Value;Count=$rsSheet.Fields.Item("CountName").Value; BadID="";LastDate=$null;}
if (!$adoSQL)
foreach ($Comp in $ArrayComps)
 Get-WmiObject -Namespace "Root\SMS\site_TB1" -Query  ("select * from SMS_R_System where Name = '"+$Comp.Name+"' ") | %{
  if (!$_.Client -and !$_.Active)
   Write-Host "№"($meter++)" Computer " $Comp.Name "with ID="$_.ResourceId "Deleted!!!" -ForegroundColor Red
   if ($Comp.LastDate)
    if ($_.SMSUUIDChangeDate -ge $Comp.LastDate)
     Write-Host "---№"($meter2++)" Computer " $Comp.Name "with ID="$Comp.BadID "Deleted!!!" -ForegroundColor Red
     Write-Host "---№"($meter2++)" Computer " $Comp.Name "with ID="$_.ResourceId "Deleted!!!" -ForegroundColor Red
#$ArrayComps | ?{!$_.BadID}

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