Dec 25, 2009

Removing an old product connector (SCOM)

In OpsMgr – there is no simple way to remove a product connector once installed.  There is no delete function in the UI:

 What if you have an old connector that you no longer use?  Or, if you quit using an Engyro connector, and started using a MS branded R2 connector?
It may be necessary to forcibly remove a connector from OpsMgr 2007.

*** Note – this process is not officially supported.  There is no officially supported way to remove an old connector.  It is only being demonstrated here for example purposes.  I have used these steps with customers, and thus far no ill effects were discovered.  These steps were gleaned from a MS newsgroup posting.

Open SQL Server Management Studio from the Start menu and run the following queries on the Operations Manager database.

Step 1: Find the ConnectorID:
select DisplayName,IsInitialized,ConnectorID from Connector,BaseManagedEntity
where Connector.BaseManagedEntityID=BaseManagedEntity.BaseManagedEntityID
This will return 3 Columns: The Display Name, Initialized Flag, and ConnectorID.
Find the ConnectorID of the connector you want to remove.  Copy it to Notepad for safekeeping.

Step 2: Un-Initialize the Connector
If the Connector field "IsInitialized" is 1, then you will need to uninitialize the connector before deleting it.
If IsInitialized is 0, skip to step 3.
Use the p_ConnectorUpdate SP to uninitialize the connector:
The first column is YOUR connectorID, 2nd column is the bookmark (this should be NULL), and the 3rd column is the initialized state (0 in our case)
EXEC p_ConnectorUpdate '5fabdf4c-a1f8-43bf-ac18-e46e20bd470b',NULL,0
Make sure this worked – by re-running the initial query, and ensure the connector initialized state is now 0.

Step 3: Delete the Connector
Use the p_ConnectorDelete SP to delete the connector.
The first parameter is YOUR ConnectorID, the 2nd Parameter is the comments you want added to the alert history when the connector is deleted, and the 3rd parameter is the Modified By field you want added to the alert history. (I use NULL for the optional fields to keep it simple.)
EXEC p_ConnectorDelete '5fabdf4c-a1f8-43bf-ac18-e46e20bd470b',NULL,NULL

This procedure can take a long time if there is a lot of data still associated with the connector. Be Patient.

Now – I need to mention – there is also a very interesting community tool – which was written to manage product connectors.  I have not used it – but it is worth a look:

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